

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef int bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int number;
int test;
while ((test = scanf("%d", &number)) == 1){
if (number == 0){
return 0;
if (number < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Chybny vstup!n");
return 100;
printf("Prvociselny rozklad cisla %d je:n", number);
if (number == 1){
printf("%d", number);
bool prime[number+1];
for(int i = 0; i <= number; i++){
prime[i] = true;
for(int j = 2; j * j <= number; j++){
if (prime[j] == true){
for (int multiples = 2; prime[j * multiples] <= number; multiples++){
prime[j * multiples] = false;
int result[50];
int multipliers[50];
for(int i = 0; i <= 50; i++){
result[i] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= 50; i++){
multipliers[i] = 1;
int counter = 0;
for (int test=2; test <= number; test++){
if (prime[test]){
if (number % test == 0){
number /= test;
result[counter] = test;
while(number % test == 0){
number /= test;
for (int c = 0; c < counter; c++){
if (multipliers[c] > 1){
printf("%d^%d", result[c], multipliers[c]);
if (multipliers[c] == 1){
printf("%d", result[c]);
if (result[c+1] > 1){
printf(" x ");
if (test == 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Chybny vstup!n");
return 100;



for (int multiples = 2; prime[j * multiples] <= number; multiples++){
prime[j * multiples] = false;

在这里,您测试prime[j * multiples] <= number,即将标志与一个数字进行比较。由于延迟标志在数组结束前一直为零,因此j*multiples将超出prime[]数组的范围,并最终导致程序崩溃。

当然,测试应该是j * multiples <= number



#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* This is the number of bits in an unsigned long.
The exact value is floor(log(ULONG_MAX + 1)/log(2)),
but the following definition will be correct on all
modern architectures: */
#define  ULONG_BITS  (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT)
/* Prime sieve, with a flag for zero and each odd integer,
one bit per flag. */
static unsigned long  *sieve = NULL;
/* Largest positive integer within the sieve. */
static uint64_t        sieve_max = 4;
/* Number of unsigned longs allocated and initialized in the sieve. */
static size_t          sieve_words = 0;
/* Function to discard the sieve, if no longer needed. */
static inline void  sieve_free(void)
free(sieve);        /* free(NULL); is safe, and does nothing. */
sieve       = NULL;
sieve_max   = 4;    /* Since 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 give built-in answers */
sieve_words = 0;


/* Return 1 if number is prime according to sieve,
0 if known composite/not prime. */
static inline  int is_prime(const uint64_t  number)
/* 0, 1, 2, and 3 are considered prime. */
if (number <= 3)
return 1; /* Prime */
/* All larger even integers are not prime. */
if (!(number & 1))
return 0; /* Not prime */
/* Outside the sieve? */
if (number > sieve_max) {
fprintf(stderr, "is_prime(): %" PRIu64 " is outside the sieve!n", number);
const uint64_t       half = number / 2;
const size_t         w = half / ULONG_BITS;
const unsigned long  m = 1uL << (half % ULONG_BITS);
/* The flag for odd number is (number/2)th.
half / ULONG_BIT  is the word where bit
half % ULONG_BIT  is in.
Return 0 if the bit is set, 1 if clear. */
return !(sieve[w] & m);


static void sieve_upto(const uint64_t  max)
/* Number of words needed for (max+1)/2 bits. */
const uint64_t nwords = 1 + max / (2 * ULONG_BITS);
const uint64_t nbytes = nwords * (uint64_t)sizeof (unsigned long);
const size_t   words = (size_t)nwords;
const size_t   bytes = words * sizeof (unsigned long);
unsigned long *temp;
/* Already covered by the current sieve? */
if (sieve_max > max)
/* We need to be able to handle max+1,
and neither bytes or words should overflow. */
if (max >= UINT64_MAX ||
(uint64_t)words != nwords || (uint64_t)bytes != nbytes) {
fprintf(stderr, "sieve_upto(): %" PRIu64 " is too high a maximum.n", max);
/* Do we already have all the bytes we need? */
if (words == sieve_words) {
sieve_max = max;
/* Allocate/reallocate. Note that realloc(NULL, size)
is equivalent to malloc(size), so this is safe
even if 'sieve' is NULL. */
temp = realloc(sieve, bytes);
if (!temp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for a sieve up to %" PRIu64 ".n", max);
sieve = temp;
/* Clear the new words to all zeros. */
memset(sieve + sieve_words, 0, (words - sieve_words) * sizeof (unsigned long));
sieve_max   = max;
sieve_words = words;


static inline void not_prime(const uint64_t  number)
/* Primality is internally handled for 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. */
if (number <= 4)
/* All larger even numbers are internally handled. */
if (!(number & 1))
/* Outside the sieve? */
if (number > sieve_max) {
fprintf(stderr, "not_prime(): %" PRIu64 " is outside the sieve!n", number);
const uint64_t       half = number / 2;
const size_t         w = half / ULONG_BITS;
const unsigned long  m = 1uL << (half % ULONG_BITS);
/* Half is the bit index in sieve[].
half / ULONG_BITS  is the word containing the bit
half % ULONG_BITS  that needs to be set. */
sieve[w] |= m;


(在我的笔记本电脑上,使用单核和上述函数,验证一个简单的Eratosthenes筛子是否能找到所有小于10000000000的455052511素数需要不到90秒的时间,以及它是否能找到全部203280221 32位素数需要不超过30秒的时间。对于更高的范围,最好使用带窗口的筛子。注意,素数计数函数不考虑0和1素数,与abo不同veis_prime().(
