将循环的输出追加到 c++ 中字符串向量的元素 已编辑

我正在Linux服务器上工作,但使用g ++运行此c ++脚本。编程相当新。我正在尝试创建一个基因型vector<string> Geno字符串的载体。我从中获取数据的文件如下所示:

chr38   12632   C  T  0/0:42,0:42:PASS:98   0/1:27,12:39:PASS:99  0/0:49,0:49:PASS:99
chr38   13825   G  T  0/1:37,13:50:PASS:99  0/1:28,9:37:PASS:99   0/0:46,0:46:PASS:99
chr38   17160   C  T  0/0:23,0:23:PASS:43   0/0:13,0:13:PASS:42   0/0:11,0:11:PASS:41
chr38   17451   G  A  0/0:22,0:22:PASS:61   0/1:13,12:25:PASS:99  0/0:9,0:9:PASS:28
chr38   19444   G  A  0/0:8,0:8:PASS:22     0/1:8,9:17:PASS:99    0/0:20,0:20:PASS:61

列是染色体,位置,然后是参考和替代等位基因。以下 3 列是这些位置的狗基因组。我创建一个Map.file

chr38 12632 C T
chr38 13825 G T
chr38 17160 C T
chr38 17451 G A
chr38 19444 G A


0/0:42,0:42:PASS:98   0/1:27,12:39:PASS:99  0/0:49,0:49:PASS:99
0/1:37,13:50:PASS:99  0/1:28,9:37:PASS:99   0/0:46,0:46:PASS:99
0/0:23,0:23:PASS:43   0/0:13,0:13:PASS:42   0/0:11,0:11:PASS:41
0/0:22,0:22:PASS:61   0/1:13,12:25:PASS:99  0/0:9,0:9:PASS:28
0/0:8,0:8:PASS:22     0/1:8,9:17:PASS:99    0/0:20,0:20:PASS:61

所有当前代码都包含 Bob 的第一次编辑:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
  //function to get genotype for one SNP
  char con_hap2geno(const string & str)
    char hap1 = str[0];
    char hap2 = str[2];
    if(hap1 =='0' && hap2 =='0')
        return '0' ;
        if(hap1 == '0' & hap2 =='1')
          return '1';
            if(hap1 =='1' & hap2 =='0')
              return '1';
                if(hap1== '1' & hap2 == '1')
                  return '2';
                    return '5';
  }//end of function
 struct raw_data{vector<string> s_geno;};//place to store dog columns
int main()
  fstream checkmarkermap; checkmarkermap.open("Mapfile", std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc); checkmarkermap.close();
  string line;
  ifstream infile;
  if(infile.fail()) {cout << "Error Opening Filen";}
     size_t pos = line.find("t", 0);
     string Chrom  = line.substr(0,pos);
     line.erase(0, pos +1);
     pos = line.find("t",0);
     string position = line.substr(0,pos);
     pos = line.find("t",0);
     string REF = line.substr(0,pos);
     pos = line.find("t",0);
     string ALT  = line.substr(0,pos);
     stringstream ssline{line};
     raw_data gData;
     string temp;

    ofstream output2("Mapfile", std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);//app appends, creates file
    output2 << Chrom << " " << position << " " << REF << " " << ALT << endl; //map file  
   }//end of getline while
int n_dogs= gen_file[0].s_geno.size();
        for (int i=0; i<n_dogs; ++i)
                string genome;
         //"if need to reserve memory space". genome.reserve("size needed")
             for (auto & line_of_data; gen_file)
             genome += con_hap2geno(line_of_data.s_geno[i]);
            f_genos[i] = genome;
        }//end n_dogs file
        //create final genome file
        ofstream dogfile("Chr38_3d_5snp_genome");
        for (auto & i : f_genos){
        dogfile<<i<<'n';       }
     return 0

我让它工作到(第 100 行(int n_dogs后的第二个 for 语句。我收到错误declaration of auto & line_of_file has no intializer.我认为这是因为line_of_file不是声明的变量,但不确定将其更改为什么。



这将对应于每只狗的基因型。我想一旦我克服了这一点,我就会有更多的问题。目前在同一行我有错误could not convert gen_file to bool.但我认为这与第一个错误有关。

编辑 2



 size_t pos = line.find("t", 0);
 string Chrom  = line.substr(0,pos);
 line.erase(0, pos +1);



 fstream checkmarkermap; checkmarkermap.open("Mapfile", std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc); checkmarkermap.close();


然后,当您将数据写入 MapFile 时,您选择打开它(实际上重新打开而不关闭它(,在每次迭代时向文件附加新行。我认为这不是一个好主意,也不是对磁盘非常友好。我们谈论的是相对"小"的文件(最多 ~30000 行(和许多数据块很少的 IO 操作,最好读取整个输入文件,将数据存储在某个结构中,详细说明它(在 RAM 中(,然后写入输出文件。


编辑 1


我删除了所有 c++11 功能,因此它应该可以很好地使用 g++ 4.4.7 编译。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
// use a function to extract the first and third char from a string and then return
// a char that represents some genetic information
char get_geno_char( const string &str ) {
    // to get the first and third chars in a string: 
    char hap1 = str[0];
    char hap2 = str[2];
    // chose the right value...
    if (hap1 =='0' && hap2 =='0')
        return '0';
    else if (hap1 == '0' && hap2 =='1')
        return '3';
    // to be completed...
        return '5';
// I'll use this class to store data read from a line of the input file
struct GenData {
    string chr;
    string pos;
    string ref;
    string alt;
    // here I will store the chars related to dogs genome
    vector<char> gen_dogs;
int main() {
    vector<GenData> geno_data;
    // If you are sure that there are ~30000 lines it may be better to reserve
    // enough space to avoid unnecessary vector expansions
    char fname_in[] = "Chr38_3d_5snp.vfc";
    std::ifstream infile(fname_in);
    if ( infile.fail() ) {
        cerr << "Error Opening File " << fname_in << 'n';
    // Read all the lines in the file and store the values in a vector of 
    // structs. I don't know if your actual input file has headers for every
    // column like the snippet you showed earlier. In that case you can skip
    // the first line or simply read it to find out the number of dogs
    string line;
    while ( std::getline(infile,line) ) { 
        // skip empty lines if there are any
        if ( line.empty() ) continue;
        GenData gd_temp;
        // extract data from the line
        // I'm not sure if you actually need those data or you can skip
        // them to go the columns with dogs genome
        stringstream ssline(line);
        ssline >> gd_temp.chr >> gd_temp.pos >> gd_temp.ref >> gd_temp.alt;
        // the input file may be wrong formatted or unreadable
        if ( ssline.fail() ) break; 
        // extract dogs genome data from remaining columns
        string temp;
        while ( ssline >> temp ) {
            // Instead of storing an entire string read from the input file
            // like "0/0:42,0:42:PASS:98", we'll use the return value of  
            // get_geno_char() function to store the needed char
        // the number of dogs is geno_dogs.size(). To be extra paranoid you
        // can check if every line has the exact same amount of columns/dogs
    // vectors (and strings) know their sizes... Please note that the actual
    // size() is different (smaller) from the space reserved
    size_t n_lines = geno_data.size();
    if ( !n_lines ) {
        // No line of data was read. Better to exit
        cerr << "Insufficient data.";
    size_t n_dogs = geno_data[0].gen_dogs.size();
    cout << n_lines << " lines of data was succesfully read from file: " 
         << fname_in << "nFound genome data of " << n_dogs << " dogs.n";  
    // write Map.file
    char fname_map[] = "Map.file";
    std::ofstream mapfile(fname_map);
    if ( mapfile.fail() ) {
        cerr << "Error Opening File " << fname_map << 'n';
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < n_lines; ++i ) {
        mapfile << geno_data[i].chr << ' ' << geno_data[i].pos << ' '
                << geno_data[i].ref << ' ' << geno_data[i].alt << 'n';
    // Now write the dogs genome
    vector<string> dogs_genome;
    // We know exactly how big those strings will be, so let's size them
    // properly using resize(), not reserve() because we will not append
    // chars to the strings, but insert them in the right position
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < n_dogs; ++i ) {
    // leaving the lines loop outside and the dogs loop inside may be
    // more cache friendly (faster), but I'm not really sure
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < n_lines; ++i ) {
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < n_dogs; ++j ) {
            // geno_data[i] stores line i of data read
            // gen_dogs[j] is the char needed in the i position of  
            // dog genome string j
            dogs_genome[j][i] = geno_data[i].gen_dogs[j];
    // write file Dogs.dat
    char fname_dogs[] = "Dogs.dat";
    std::ofstream dogfile(fname_dogs);
    if ( mapfile.fail() ) {
        cerr << "Error Opening File " << fname_dogs << 'n';
    // you added an ID in the previous version of the question
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < n_dogs; ++i ) {
        // this will add an ID like D01 (you may have more then 9 dogs)
        dogfile << 'D' << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << ( i + 1 )
                << ' ' << dogs_genome[i] << 'n';  
    return 0;


chr38 12632 C T
chr38 13825 G T
chr38 17160 C T
chr38 17451 G A
chr38 19444 G A


D01 03000
D02 33033
D03 00000
