二叉树 通过合并递归实现删除



public void deleteByMerging(T el) {
BSTNode<T> tmp, node, p = root, prev = null;
while (p != null && !p.el.equals(el)) {  
prev = p;                           
if (el.compareTo(p.el) < 0)
p = p.right;
else p = p.left;
node = p;
if (p != null && p.el.equals(el)) {
if (node.right == null) 
node = node.left;  
else if (node.left == null) 
node = node.right; 
else {                  
tmp = node.left;   
while (tmp.right != null) 
tmp = tmp.right;      
tmp.right =        
node = node.left;  
if (p == root)
root = node;
else if (prev.left == p)
prev.left = node;
else prev.right = node; // 5.
else if (root != null)
System.out.println("el " + el + " is not in the tree");
else System.out.println("the tree is empty");


public void delete(T info) {
root = delete(root, info);
public TreeNode<T> delete(TreeNode<T> node, T info) 




public void delete(T info) {
root = delete (root.info);
public TreeNode<T> delete(TreeNode<T> node, T info) {
// if this node is null, we have reached the end of the tree
// so the node is not in the tree.
if (node == null) {
return node; // or handle as required
// if this is not the node to delete;
// recursively call this on the node's correct child
else if (info.compareTo(node.info) <0) {
node.left = delete(node.left, info);
return node;
} else {
node.right = delete(node.right, info);
return node;
// if this is the node to delete:
else if (node.info.equals(info)) {
// to delete it, we must return a sub-tree without it.
if (node.left == null) 
// this node is a leaf node, or
// node.right contains only child.
// either way, return node.right
return node.right;
if (node.right == null) 
// node.left contains only child
return node.left;
// else node has 2 children, so delete by merging:
// first, find its direct predecessor:
TreeNode<T> tmp = node.left;
while (tmp.right != null)
tmp = tmp.right;
// then append the node's right sub-tree
// to its direct predecessor:
tmp.right = node.right;
// lastly, replace the node by its left sub-tree:
return node.left;


接下来,我们检查元素是否大于或大于当前节点中的元素。如果是,我们需要继续遍历树,根据元素的比较方式向左或向右移动。请注意,在递归步骤中,我们将删除操作的结果分配给node的一个子项。我们从第一个函数中得到了这个提示,其中root被分配了root上的删除操作的结果。这将递归遍历树,直到node引用要删除的节点。我们也在这里返回node,这样如果没有发生任何更改, 对node.right = delete(node.right, info)的调用 ,例如,不会更改当前节点。

当我们找到节点时,可能有 4 种情况:节点可以是叶节点(没有子节点),也可以有 1 个左子节点或 1 个右子节点,或者它可以有 2 个子节点。前 3 种情况由这些行覆盖

if (node.left == null)
return node.right;
if (node.right == null)
return node.left;

请注意,如果node没有子节点,则第一个if检查将为 true,因此将返回node的右子项(为 null),删除节点。

为什么返回 null 会删除节点?因为,在上面讨论的遍历步骤中,我们将删除操作的结果分配给node的子项。请注意,上一个递归步骤中的node是此步骤中node的父节点,因为 delete 是在该节点的子节点上递归调用的。因此,在此处返回 null 将导致上一个调用将 null 分配给父项的子项,从而删除子项。基本上,每当我们返回除node以外的任何内容时,我们都会用我们在树中返回的任何内容替换当前节点。


TreeNode<T> tmp = node.left;
while (tmp.right != null)
tmp = tmp.right;


tmp.right = node.right;


