
好吧,我正在尝试添加两个元素以成为一个列表,从Colleen Lewis教授在第4分钟和第53秒的视频中,以及从官方球拍网站上,我看到最佳做法是使用"缺点"。


(cons (Listof Number) (Listof (Listof Number)))


(cons (Listof (Listof Number)) (Listof Number) )


类型检查器:多态函数"缺点"不能应用于 参数:

论点 1:



论点 2:

预期:(列表 a)


结果类型:(列表 a)


在:(缺点 ACC (获取最小值和最大值从混合列表(第一个笑声哈)))


cons 函数实际上接受任意两个值,而不仅仅是一个列表 对于第二个参数。


(: min&max-lists (-> (Listof (Listof Any)) (Listof (Listof Number))))
(: tail-min&max-lists (-> (Listof (Listof Any)) (Listof (Listof Number)) (Listof (Listof Number))))
(: get-min&max-from-mixed-list (-> (Listof Any) (Listof Number)))
(define (min&max-lists lol)
(tail-min&max-lists lol '()))
(define (tail-min&max-lists lol acc)
(if (null? lol)
(tail-min&max-lists (rest lol) (cons acc (get-min&max-from-mixed-list (first lol))))))
(define (get-min&max-from-mixed-list mixedList)
(if (null? (sublist-numbers mixedList))
(min&maxRec (sublist-numbers mixedList) (first (sublist-numbers mixedList)) (first (sublist-numbers mixedList)))))
(test (min&max-lists '((any "Benny" 10 OP 8) (any "Benny" OP (2 3)))) => '((8 10) ()))

这是我的代码使用的各种函数的代码。 这些工作正常,因此没有理由检查它们:

#lang pl
(require rackunit)
(require racket/trace)
;;Question 1
(: min&maxRec (-> (Listof Number) Number Number (Listof Number)))
(: min&max (-> Number Number Number Number Number (Listof Number) ))

(define (min&max number1 number2 number3 number4 number5)              ; gets all numbers and sends to the min&max recursive part
(min&maxRec (list number2 number3 number4 number5) number1 number1)) ; made all numbers to become a list and has max and min numbers
(define (min&maxRec myList max min)
;; logic: 1) if finished list give back result 2) else check if head of list max or min and recall the function with a shorter list and the new max or min
(if (null? myList)
;return the min and max from myList when finished looking at all numbers
(list min max)
(if (> (first myList) max); is the head max?
(min&maxRec (rest myList) (first myList) min) 
(if (< (first myList) min) ; is the head min?
(min&maxRec (rest myList) max (first myList) )
(min&maxRec (rest myList) max min)))))
(test (min&max 2 3 2 7 1) => '(1 7))
;;Question 2 a
(: sublist-numbers (-> (Listof Any) (Listof Number)))
(: tail-sublist-numbers (-> (Listof Any) (Listof Number) (Listof Number)))
;;This func calls a diff func since the tail-recursion needs an accumelator.
(define (sublist-numbers myList)    
(tail-sublist-numbers myList `()))
;;this uses tail-recursion (all calculations are dont before the recursion and are sent with an accumelator)
(define (tail-sublist-numbers myList acc)
(if (null? myList)
acc ; if finished all vars in list
(if (number? (first myList))
(tail-sublist-numbers (rest myList) (cons (first myList) acc)) ; if the head of list is a number add it to acc, and continue working on the rest of the list
(tail-sublist-numbers (rest myList) acc))))                    ; else throw this var and work on rest of list

请注意,当您链接到#lang racket中的cons时,它与其他语言(如#lang pl)中的cons不同。不同语言中的相同名称函数可以相同,但通常不同。例如。#!r6rs中的cons和朋友是根据mcons#lang racket中的好友映射的

我不知道#lang pl是什么,但似乎它以某种方式输入。我假设当你说你这样做时:

(cons (Listof Number) (Listof (Listof Number)))


(cons a b)

其中a属于(Listof Number)类型,b属于(Listof (Listof Number))类型。我注意到第二个的类型是第一个类型上键入的任何内容的列表。在您的试用版中,类型没有这种关系,而是相反。您可能已经切换了参数,并且acc的正确代码是:

(cons (get-min&max-from-mixed-list (first lol)) acc)

我假设cons的类型规范可能要求第二个列表与第一个参数的类型相同。对于像 Scheme 和#lang racket这样的非类型语言,您可以在两个参数中使用任何类型。

#lang racket
(cons 3 #f) ; ==> (3 . #f)


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