我的 VBA Excel 2013 代码无法编译


Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim range1 As Integer
Dim range2 As Integer
range1 = 53
range2 = 102
For i = range1 To range2
    For j = (range1 - 50) To (range2 - 50)
        If Cells(2, i) = Cells(2, j) Then
            If Cells(7, i) > Cells(7, j) Then
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went up; Green
            ElseIf Cells(7, i) = Cells(7, j) Then
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'No change; Grey
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went down; Red
        End If
    Next j
    If Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Then 'Hasn't Changed; No Fill
    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'New Song; Blue
    End If
Next i
End Sub

注意:" 37"只是填充号,我知道它看起来像浅蓝色。


Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim range1 As Integer
    Dim range2 As Integer
    range1 = 53
    range2 = 102
    For i = range1 To range2
        For j = (range1 - 50) To (range2 - 50)
            If Cells(2, i) = Cells(2, j) Then
                If Cells(7, i) > Cells(7, j) Then
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went up; Green
                ElseIf Cells(7, i) = Cells(7, j) Then
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'No change; Grey
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went down; Red
                End If
                Next j ' <--- This Next has no For associated with it
                If Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Then 'Hasn't Changed; No Fill
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'New Song; Blue
                End If
            Next i
        End Sub

您可以通过缩进级别非常快速地分辨出Next j在当前If块中没有与之关联的For语句。这就是为什么您会出错的原因。

我怀疑您打算在该Next j之前拥有End If,因此您的代码看起来像:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim range1 As Integer
    Dim range2 As Integer
    range1 = 53
    range2 = 102
    For i = range1 To range2
        For j = (range1 - 50) To (range2 - 50)
            If Cells(2, i) = Cells(2, j) Then
                If Cells(7, i) > Cells(7, j) Then
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went up; Green
                ElseIf Cells(7, i) = Cells(7, j) Then
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'No change; Grey
                    Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'Went down; Red
                End If
            End If    
        Next j
        If Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Then 'Hasn't Changed; No Fill
            Cells(2, i).Interior.ColorIndex = 37 'New Song; Blue
        End If
    Next i
End Sub
