Postgresql - 不存在 PostgreSQL 集群;请参阅服务重新启动期间的"man pg_createcluster"

我正在尝试停止已经在 Ubuntu 服务器上运行的 Postgresql 9.3 数据库,但我收到以下消息:

root@myprodserver:~# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
 * No PostgreSQL clusters exist; see "man pg_createcluster"


root@myprodserver:~# pg_lsclusters
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file


root@myprodserver:~# pg_createcluster 9.3 main
Configuring already existing cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/9.3/main, data: /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main, owner: 106:114)
Error: move_conffile: required configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf does not exist
The database is up and running. The response shows that a cluster exists. I've restarted many times the service in the past without error messages.

以下是sudo ps aux | grep postgres的结果:

root       673  0.0  0.0  11748  2232 pts/5    R+   15:57   0:00 grep --color=auto postgres
postgres  1044  0.0  0.2 293560 17868 ?        S     2017  87:45 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
postgres  1288  0.2  1.7 294156 142248 ?       Ss    2017 657:18 postgres: checkpointer process
postgres  1289  0.2  1.7 293700 140836 ?       Ss    2017 694:24 postgres: writer process
postgres  1290  0.0  0.0 293560  7476 ?        Ss    2017 140:10 postgres: wal writer process
postgres  1291  0.0  1.3 294508 107148 ?       Ss    2017  55:46 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
postgres  1292  0.0  0.0 105220  3772 ?        Ss    2017 172:17 postgres: stats collector process
postgres  7669  0.0  0.2 296244 17700 ?        Ss   12:04   0:02 postgres: adempiere postgres ::1(49525) idle
postgres  7671  0.0  0.6 298716 54004 ?        Ss   12:04   0:00 postgres: adempiere adempiere_produzione ::1(49526) idle
postgres  7855  0.0  0.4 295844 38160 ?        Ss   12:04   0:00 postgres: adempiere adempiere_produzione ::1(49527) idle
postgres  8068  0.0  0.2 294884 18324 ?        Ss   12:06   0:00 postgres: adempiere adempiere_produzione ::1(49528) idle
postgres 10115  0.0  1.9 308236 159916 ?       Ss   14:25   0:05 postgres: adempiere adempiere_produzione 192.107.YY.XXX(55631) idle

服务器 PG 关闭后无法启动,集群(数据库实例(丢失。


sudo pg_createcluster 9.3 main


sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start


在这些情况下要做的事情:- 检查所有配置文件和数据文件是否在正确的文件夹中- 检查文件Postmaster.opts是否指向正确的位置


pg_createcluster 9.3 cluster2






pg_ctlcluster <pg version> <cluster name> <start|stop>
pg_ctlcluster 9.3 main start 
pg_ctlcluster 9.3 clust2 stop 

停止群集 - 删除活动连接

pg_ctlcluster -m fast 9.3 clust2 stop 

ps aux 的输出中可以看出,在每行的开头,每个 postgres 进程都作为用户 postgres 运行。

据此,运行是安全的:sudo pkill -u postgres ,它发送信号让进程自行关闭,而不是以蛮力方式。
