"This key is already associated with an element of this collection"和运行时错误 457

范围中的数据格式为:col 1=索引(字符串(| col 2=值(双精度(


Sub CompileActuals()
' Get it started
Dim ibh As Integer
Dim pah As Integer
Dim WrkSht As Worksheet
Dim RngB As Range
Dim RngA As Range
Dim CLine As Object
Dim CLineData As Class1
Dim im As Integer
Dim cm As Integer
Dim vpah As Integer
Dim vibh As Integer
Dim vMonth As Integer
Dim vO As Integer
Dim LineWeight As Double
Dim varIndex As Variant
ibh = Sheets("GCM Compiler").Cells(1, 6)
pah = Sheets("GCM Compiler").Cells(2, 6)
im = Sheets("GCM Compiler").Cells(3, 4)
cm = Sheets("GCM Compiler").Cells(1, 4)
Set WrkSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("GCM Compiler")
Set RngB = WrkSht.Range(Cells(9, 4 + (2 * im)), Cells(1563, 5 + (2 * im)))
Set RngA = WrkSht.Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(8 + pah, 4))
Set CLine = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Wipe Budget Numbers
Range(Cells(9, (5 + (2 * im))), Cells(8 + ibh, 5 + (2 * im))).Value = 0
' Clear the Dictionary
' Fill dictionary with zeros for the existing indices
For vibh = 1 To ibh
' Set each row's variables
varIndex = RngB.Cells(vibh, 1).Value
LineWeight = CDbl(RngB.Cells(vibh, 2).Value)
vMonth = cm
' Test for index already exists in dictionary
If CLine.Exists(varIndex) Then
' Get existing index entry's properties
Set CLineData = CLine(varIndex)
' Add weight of that line to the index entry
CLineData.Weight = 0
' Create an entry for the new index
Set CLineData = New Class1
' Set properties of the new entry
CLineData.Weight = LineWeight
CLineData.Month = vMonth
CLineData.Index = varIndex
' Store the new entry in the dictionary
CLine.Add varIndex, CLineData
End If
Next vibh
' Add actuals, iterate thru pasted actual values
For vpah = 1 To pah
' Set each row's variables
varIndex = RngA.Cells(vpah, 1).Value
LineWeight = CDbl(RngA.Cells(vpah, 2).Value)
vMonth = cm
' Test for index already exists in dictionary
If CLine.Exists(varIndex) Then
' Get existing index entry's properties
Set CLineData = CLine(varIndex)
' Add weight of that line to the index entry
CLineData.Weight = CLineData.Weight + CDbl(RngA.Cells(vpah, 2))
' Create an entry for the new index
Set CLineData = New Class1
' Set properties of the new entry
CLineData.Weight = LineWeight
CLineData.Month = vMonth
CLineData.Index = varIndex
' Store the new entry in the dictionary
CLine.Add varIndex, CLineData
End If
Next vpah
' Output Compiled Weights
For vO = 0 To CLine.Count - 1
Set CLineData = CLine.Items()(vO)
WrkSht.Cells(9 + vO, 4 + (2 * im)).Value = CLineData.Index
WrkSht.Cells(9 + vO, 5 + (2 * im)).Value = CLineData.Weight
Next vO

End Sub

Key 1| value
Key2| value
Key 3| value
Key 1|value
Key 4| value


If Not .Exists(SomeKey) Then 
.Add SomeKey, SomeValue
stop 'Go investigate what someKey is
End If


