


function moveList(){//in my real program it actually shuffles the list, this one just transfers the contents
var listOne=[0, 1, 2, 3];//we have a list
var listTwo=[];//now we have an empty list
var length = listOne.length//and now we have the list length
for (run = 0; run < length; run++) {
listTwo.push(listOne[0]);//it just copies the first entry from the first list to the second
listOne.splice(0, 1,)//and deletes it from the first list
}//this does it for an entry in the list, it's length amount of times
console.log("listTwo: " + listTwo);//this tells us what the new list now is, and it works
console.log("listOne: " + listOne);//this tells us what the original list is, which is empty
var listOne;
var listTwo;
//these are mandatory, without this, even with the function below script,
//you have Uncaught ReferenceError: list(One and Two) is not defined
moveList();//now we do the function, and then,
console.log("listTwo: " + listTwo);//THE LIST IS NOW UNDEFINED??? What??????




function moveList(){//in my real program it actually shuffles the list, this one just transfers the contents
listOne=[0, 1, 2, 3];//we have a list
listTwo=[];//now we have an empty list
var length = listOne.length//and now we have the list length
for (run = 0; run < length; run++) {
listTwo.push(listOne[0]);//it just copies the first entry from the first list to the second
listOne.splice(0, 1,)//and deletes it from the first list
}//this does it for an entry in the list, it's length amount of times
console.log("listTwo: " + listTwo);//this tells us what the new list now is, and it works
console.log("listOne: " + listOne);//this tells us what the original list is, which is empty
var listOne;
var listTwo;
moveList();//now we do the function, and then,
console.log("listTwo: " + listTwo);//THE LIST IS NOW NOT UNDEFINED ;)




function moveList(){//in my real program it actually shuffles the list, this one just transfers the contents
var localListOne=[0, 1, 2, 3];//we have a list
var localListTwo=[];//now we have an empty list
var length = localListOne.length//and now we have the list length
for (run = 0; run < length; run++) {
localListTwo.push(localListOne[0]);//it just copies the first entry from the first list to the second
localListOne.splice(0, 1,)//and deletes it from the first list
}//this does it for an entry in the list, it's length amount of times
console.log("listTwo: " + localListTwo);//this tells us what the new list now is, and it works
console.log("listOne: " + localListOne);//this tells us what the original list is, which is empty
var globalListOne;
var globalListTwo;
//these are mandatory, without this, even with the function below script,
//you have Uncaught ReferenceError: list(One and Two) is not defined
moveList();//now we do the function, and then,
console.log("listTwo: " + globalListTwo); // Obviously globalListTwo has never been given a value, so it is undefined.
