如何從VB .Net表单應用程式存取Google Datastore LocalStructuredProperty?V

首先是一点背景;GAE 应用程序由第三方开发,为某些嵌入式硬件提供接口,以通过移动网络将数据保存到云中。数据通过 HTTP 作为 JSON 对象从设备发布。GAE 上的应用程序是用 python 编写的,我可以完全访问源代码(即使我不完全理解它!



class MeasurementPoint(EndpointsModel):
Val1 = ndb.FloatProperty()
Val2 = ndb.FloatProperty()
timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
loc = ndb.GeoPtProperty() 


class CompletedReading(EndpointsModel):  

_message_fields_schema = ('id', 'inspection_id', 'timestamp', 
'Val1_average', 'Val2_average', 'Val1_min', 
'organisation_id', )

timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
points = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(Measurement, repeated=True, compressed=True) 

Val1_average = ndb.FloatProperty()
Val2_average = ndb.FloatProperty()
Val1_min = ndb.FloatProperty()

... hopefully you get the idea.

发布的 JSON 如下所示:

"points": [
"Val1": 999,
"Val2": 319160.3,
"timestamp": "2020-03-03T15:56:01.000000",
"location": {
"lat": 52.75024,
"lon": -1.919412
"Val1": 999,
"Val2": 319160.3,
"timestamp": "2020-03-03T15:56:02.000000",
"location": {
"lat": 52.75024,
"lon": -1.919412
..... n sets of "points" ( always a fixed size array )
"organisation_id": "5634161670881280",
"location_id": "5638358357245952",
"timestamp": "2020-03-03T15:55:58.000000"


Imports Google.Cloud.Datastore.V1
Imports Google.Protobuf
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ProjectId As String = "xxxxxxxxxx" ' Obfuscated for security
Dim db As DatastoreDb
Dim kind As String = "CopmletedReading" 
Dim q As Query
Dim Entry As Entity
' In order for this to work you have to set the environment variable 
' GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS= <Path to zzzzzzzzzzzz.json> (Obfuscated for security)

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", "zzzzzzzzzzzz.json")
db = DatastoreDb.Create(ProjectId)
q = New Query(kind)
Label1.Text = ""
For Each Entry In db.RunQueryLazily(q)
Label1.Text = Label1.Text & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
"ToString:" & vbCrLf & Entry.ToString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
"Key:" & vbCrLf & Entry.Key.ToString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
"Properties:" & vbCrLf & Entry.Properties().ToString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
"name:" & vbCrLf & Entry.Item("points").ToString
End Sub
End Class


{ "key": { "partitionId": { "projectId": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "path": [ { "kind": "CompletedReading", "id": "6320665133056000" } ] }, "properties": { "Val1_average": { "doubleValue": 422 }, "Val2_average": { "doubleValue": 278 }, "organisation_ref": { "keyValue": { "partitionId": { "projectId": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "path": [ { "kind": "Organisation", "id": "5629499534213120" } ] } }, "location_id": { "keyValue": { "partitionId": { "projectId": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "path": [ { "kind": location", "id": "4922041111150592" } ] } }, "points": { "arrayValue": { "values": [ { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgQ8VDkUqHJxSHDn5yYklmfl5QCkRbcPVjjNu713g5WB5d9oJ1vQHEgd0iqQ42KU4SzJzU4sLEnMLQCZwLNu+ZcuOzxeYiqSleMpSi0oyk9GNX1DoAAD8CChx", "excludeFromIndexes": true }, { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgYIqhyIVDk4pjpz85MSSzPw8oJSItuFqxxm39y7wcrB8HMzQk/5A4oBOkRQHuxRnSWZuanFBYm4ByASOXdu3bNnx+QJTkbQUT1lqUUlmMrrxDwocAK8uJ8g=", "excludeFromIndexes": true }, { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgQPVDkUqHJxSHDn5yYklmfl5QCkRbcM3Bmp/9y7wcrB8KWAhlPFA4oBOkRQHuxRnSWZuanFBYm4ByASOXdu3bNnx+QJTkbQUT1lqUUlmMrrxCwodAKVhJzw=", "excludeFromIndexes": true } ] } }, "timestamp": { "timestampValue": "2016-12-14T10:08:47Z" }, "Val1_min": { "doubleValue": 399 } } }
{ "partitionId": { "projectId": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "path": [ { "kind": "CompletedReading", "id": "6320665133056000" } ] }
{ "Val1_average": { "doubleValue": 422 }, "Val2_average": { "doubleValue": 278 }, "organisation_ref": { "keyValue": { "partitionId": { "projectId": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "path": [ { "kind": "Organisation", "id": "5629499534213120" } ] } }, "location_id": { "keyValue": { "partitionId": { "projectId": "xxxxxxxxxx" }, "path": [ { "kind": "location", "id": "4922041111150592" } ] } }, "points": { "arrayValue": { "values": [ { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgQ8VDkUqHJxSHDn5yYklmfl5QCkRbcPVjjNu713g5WB5d9oJ1vQHEgd0iqQ42KU4SzJzU4sLEnMLQCZwLNu+ZcuOzxeYiqSleMpSi0oyk9GNX1DoAAD8CChx", "excludeFromIndexes": true }, { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgYIqhyIVDk4pjpz85MSSzPw8oJSItuFqxxm39y7wcrB8HMzQk/5A4oBOkRQHuxRnSWZuanFBYm4ByASOXdu3bNnx+QJTkbQUT1lqUUlmMrrxDwocAK8uJ8g=", "excludeFromIndexes": true }, { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgQPVDkUqHJxSHDn5yYklmfl5QCkRbcM3Bmp/9y7wcrB8KWAhlPFA4oBOkRQHuxRnSWZuanFBYm4ByASOXdu3bNnx+QJTkbQUT1lqUUlmMrrxCwodAKVhJzw=", "excludeFromIndexes": true } ] } }, "timestamp": { "timestampValue": "2016-12-14T10:08:47Z" }, "Val1_min": { "doubleValue": 399 } }
{ "arrayValue": { "values": [ { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgQ8VDkUqHJxSHDn5yYklmfl5QCkRbcPVjjNu713g5WB5d9oJ1vQHEgd0iqQ42KU4SzJzU4sLEnMLQCZwLNu+ZcuOzxeYiqSleMpSi0oyk9GNX1DoAAD8CChx", "excludeFromIndexes": true }, { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgYIqhyIVDk4pjpz85MSSzPw8oJSItuFqxxm39y7wcrB8HMzQk/5A4oBOkRQHuxRnSWZuanFBYm4ByASOXdu3bNnx+QJTkbQUT1lqUUlmMrrxDwocAK8uJ8g=", "excludeFromIndexes": true }, { "meaning": 22, "blobValue": "eJwrkpXiy8gvyqzKzytJzInPKa1QYNDiVGQAgQPVDkUqHJxSHDn5yYklmfl5QCkRbcM3Bmp/9y7wcrB8KWAhlPFA4oBOkRQHuxRnSWZuanFBYm4ByASOXdu3bNnx+QJTkbQUT1lqUUlmMrrxCwodAKVhJzw=", "excludeFromIndexes": true } ] } }

这就是我卡住的点。我不熟悉 GAE/Datastore/Python 或 Google API。我已经尝试尝试将 blob 反序列化为 VB 类,但没有成功。我在 API 中找不到对LocalStructuredProperty的任何引用,因此我无法直接处理它。

我的"最后一个想法"是尝试在 Web 服务器上编写一些 python 以将数据存储读回合适的对象,然后将数据作为 JSON 在我的 VB 应用程序中触发,但我真的希望能够从 VB 访问数据存储中的对象并取回我的点数组。



实际上,该字段被存储为 ZLIB 压缩字符数组。可能有一种更简单的方法可以实现我所做的事情,但这在一定程度上有效;

将 Google ByteString 转换为 VB 字节数组。 从那里将其转换为MemoryStream并解压缩它。 使用 Unpack(( 方法编写一个类来摆弄生成的未压缩流。




' Class to encapsulate a POINT object stored in the database.
Private Class OnePoint
Dim Val1 As Double
Dim Val2 As Double
Dim timestamp As DateTime
Dim lat As Double
Dim lon As Double
Public Sub Unpack(bs As Stream)
Dim b As Byte
Dim b1 As Byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim bArry As Byte()
Dim d As Double
ReDim bArry(20)  
' 3 Currently unknown bytes.
b = bs.ReadByte
Debug.Assert(b = &H4)  ' Length of the string "Val1"
For i = 0 To b - 1
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
'debug.assert (check the string is what we expect)
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H20)  ' Always a space
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H0)  ' Always a NULL
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H2A)  ' Always 0x2A
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H9)  ' Always 0x09
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H21)  ' Always 0x21
' Now read the "Val1" value as an 8 byte number LSB..MSB
For i = 0 To 7
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
If (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = False) Then
' This computer byte order is not as per the data we have, so reverse the array.
End If
hLux = BitConverter.ToDouble(bArry, 0)
'Next bit is the location....
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H72)  ' Always 0x72
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H24)  ' Always 0x24
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H8)  ' Always 0x08
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H9)  ' Always 0x09
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H1A)  ' Always 0x1A
b = bs.ReadByte
Debug.Assert(b = &H8)  ' Length of the string "location"
For i = 0 To b - 1
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
'debug.assert (check the string is what we expect)
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H20)  ' Always a space
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H0)  ' Always a NULL
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H2A)  ' Always 0x2A
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H14)  ' Always 0x14
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H2B)  ' Always 0x2B
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H31)  ' Always 0x31
' Now read the latitude value as an 8 byte number LSB..MSB
For i = 0 To 7
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
If (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = False) Then
' This computer byte order is not as per the data we have, so reverse the array.
End If
lat = BitConverter.ToDouble(bArry, 0)
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H39)  ' Always 0x39
' Now read the longitude value as an 8 byte number LSB..MSB
For i = 0 To 7
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
If (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = False) Then
' This computer byte order is not as per the data we have, so reverse the array.
End If
lon = BitConverter.ToDouble(bArry, 0)
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H2C)  ' Always 0x2C
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H72)  ' Always 0x72
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H1A)  ' Always 0x1A
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H8)  ' Always 0x08
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H7)  ' Always 0x07
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H1A)  ' Always 0x1A
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H9)  ' Length of the string  "timestamp" 
For i = 0 To b - 1
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
'debug.assert (check the string is what we expect)
For i = 0 To 15
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H4)  ' Length of the string "Val2" 
For i = 0 To b - 1
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
'debug.assert (check the string is what we expect)
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H20)  ' Always a space
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H0)  ' Always a NULL
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H2A)  ' Always 0x2A
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H9)  ' Always 0x09
b = bs.ReadByte()
Debug.Assert(b = &H21)  ' Always 0x21
' Now read the "Val2"value as an 8 byte number LSB..MSB
For i = 0 To 7
b1 = bs.ReadByte()
bArry(i) = b1
If (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = False) Then
' This computer byte order is not as per the data we have, so reverse the array.
End If
vLux = BitConverter.ToDouble(bArry, 0)
' Make sure the number of bytes read matches what we expeted....
Debug.Assert(bs.Position = 126)
End Sub
End Class


Dim o As Object = Entry.Properties("points").ArrayValue.Values      ' Google.Protobuf.Collections.RepeatedField(Of Google.Cloud.Datastore.V1.Value)
Dim i As Integer
Dim b As Google.Protobuf.ByteString
Dim x As Byte()
Dim Finalresult As Byte()
' o points to the object which is currently a list of 15 compressed inspection points.
For i = 0 To o.count - 1
b = o(i).BlobValue      ' The compressed array as a bytestring
ReDim x(b.Length)       ' Make some space in an array of bytes....
b.CopyTo(x, 0)          ' Copy from Google.Protobuf.ByteString to VB byte array
' Now x is an array of bytes the size of the BLOB...
' ... but it will be a compressed ZLIB format....
' If this is indeed the case then the first two bytes will be 0x78 0x9C
' ... and by debuginng through we can see that they are !!
' Unfortunately "Deflate" requires a stream for input, not a byte array.
' So convert the byte array to a stream so that we can pass that to Deflate....
' There may be a mode direct way to convert from a Google.Protobuf.ByteString to a stream,
' but this works.
' When dealing with memorystreams you have to use the decorator 'Using' to ensure correct object disposal when we're done...
Using myms As New MemoryStream(x)
Using DecompressedMemoryStream As New MemoryStream()
'#Const EITHER = 1
' Either of these methods works....this one relies on NOT having the header
myms.ReadByte()   ' Throw away the header
myms.ReadByte()   ' Throw away the header
Using DecompressionStream As New DeflateStream(myms, CompressionMode.Decompress)
' Either of these methods works....this one relies on having the header
Using DecompressionStream As New GZipStream(myms, CompressionMode.Decompress)
#End If
Finalresult = DecompressedMemoryStream.ToArray()
End Using
End Using
End Using

If (FinalResult.Length == 126)
Dim ms As New MemoryStream(Finalresult)
End If


