如何使用GWT phonegap打开拨号器屏幕/拨打电话

我有一个GWT应用程序,使用phonegap (Cordova)使其成为一个移动应用程序。

我想以本地方式(无论是Android还是iOS)打电话,我如何使用GWT api来做到这一点。http://www.openlogic.com/wazi/bid/313383/Using-GWT-and-PhoneGap-for-complex-mobile-applications似乎给出了一些指示,但似乎太复杂了,无法理解


Access basic functions through special URIs URI scheme Meaning href="tel:555-5555" href="mailto:someone@somewhere?subject=something...&body=some.text..."
href="mailto:someone@somewhere?subject=something...&body=some.text..." **Meaning** Open the dialer application to call the given phone number. Open the SMS application to send an SMS with the given body text to the provided phone number. Open the email application to write a message to the provided email account with the given subject and body. There are more options, such as sending cc or bcc copies. In the sample application, I added a couple of hyperlinks to show how to call someone or how to send an SMS. Of course, by using GWT DOM manipulation methods, you could set up the URIs dynamically, instead of hardcoding them as I did in the sample.




我正在使用libgdx,我正试图使能够使用android和iOS的应用程序做电话。但是,如果在Android中使用本机很简单,另一方面,如果不使用objective c,我找不到在iOS中使用java的方法。
