我在 2 条腿 OAuth 的前提下构建自己的 Web 服务。
对于每个经过身份验证的请求,将包含一个包含的 HMAC。
public ActionResult userInfoExample(string HMAC, string username)
//get user
return View();
public ActionResult userInfoExample(string username)
//get user
return View();
我的目标是使用(我假设)放置在 URL 参数中的 HMAC 进行身份验证(/授权),即:http://www.website.com/foo/bar?username=xxx&hmac=xxxxxxxxx
我也欢迎批评我对 API 安全的基本理解,或者我是如何做事的,我对这个领域相当陌生
我做了类似的事情来验证页面上的参数(虽然它不是 HMAC)。由于您将在 View Im 上生成它,假设(或将其传递给视图),因此您可以像在我的属性中检查它一样检查它。
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
//The hidden form field that contains our hash - for ex. CustomerId is rendered as a hidden input id="_CustomerIdToken"
string encryptedPropertyName = string.Format("_{0}Token", _propertyName);
//grab the token
string hashToken = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form[encryptedPropertyName];
//The encrypted form data MUST be there. We do not allow empty strings otherwise this could give
//an attack vector in our filter as a means to bypass checks by simply passing in an empty validation token.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashToken))
throw new MissingFieldException(string.Format("The hidden form field named value {0} was missing. This is created by the Html.AntiModelInjection methods. Ensure the name used on your [ValidateAntiModelInjectionAttribute("!HERE!")] matches the field name used in Html.AntiModelInjection method. If this attribute is used on a controller method that is meant for HttpGet, then the form value would not yet exist. This attribute is meant to be used on controller methods accessed via HttpPost.", encryptedPropertyName));
//Get the plain text value
string formValue = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form[_propertyName];
//Plain text must be available to compare.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue))
throw new MissingFieldException(string.Format("The form value {0} was missing. If this attribute is used on a controller method that is meant for HttpGet, then the form value would not yet exist. This attribute is meant to be used on controller methods accessed via HttpPost.", _propertyName));
//We cannot encrypt the form value and compare to the previously encrypted form token.
//Each time you Encrypt() with the MachineKey class even using the same plain text, the end result is difference.
byte[] plainTextBytes = MachineKey.Decode(hashToken, MachineKeyProtection.Encryption);
string plainText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(plainTextBytes);
//And compare
if (string.Compare(plainText, formValue , false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
throw new HttpAntiModelInjectionException(string.Format("Failed security validation for {0}. It is possible the data was tampered with as the original value used to create the form field does not match the current property value for this field. Ensure if this is a web farm, the machine keys are the same.",_propertyName));
filterContext.HttpContext.Trace.Write("(Logging Filter)Action Executing: " +