

    create view ct as
    select userid, coalerse(count(tweets), 0) as nooftweets, coalerse(count(distinct mention), 0) as mention 
from (
    select t.user_id as userid, t.id as tweets, m.mentionedusers_id as mention, row_number() over (partition by m.tweet_id order by m.mentionedusers_id
      ) rn 
    from "tweet_mentUsers" m right join tweet t on m.tweet_id = t.id where text like '@%') a where rn <= 2 group by 1


ERROR:  function coalerse(bigint, integer) does not exist
LINE 2: select userid, coalerse(nooftweets, 0), coalerse(mention, 0)...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.



create view ct as
select userid, coalesce(count(tweets), 0) as nooftweets, coalesce(count(distinct mention), 0) as mention 
from (
select t.user_id as userid, t.id as tweets, m.mentionedusers_id as mention, row_number() over (partition by m.tweet_id order by m.mentionedusers_id
  ) rn 
from "tweet_mentUsers" m right join tweet t on m.tweet_id = t.id where text like '@%') a where rn <= 2 group by 1


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