


int main(void) {
    // Opens file to read the image from
    FILE * infile = fopen("inputImage.bmp", "rb");
    // Creates file to write the image to after modifications     
    FILE * outfile = fopen("flip.bmp", "wb");
    //Bmp images have headers the next 3 lines of code store the header of the input image
    unsigned char headersPart1[2];
    int filesize;    
    unsigned char headersPart2[48];
    // This space[] [] creates the array to which to write the input image AND its inverse right next to each other  the image file is 160 * 240
    // The 3 is for the rgb values.. since its a 2D array we want to use every single //part of the image to work with    
    unsigned char space[160][3*240]; 
    //The array to which to copy the results to (original image + INVERSE) 
    unsigned char mirror[160][3*480]; 
    fread(headersPart1,sizeof(char) ,2,infile);
    fread(&filesize,sizeof(char) ,4,infile);
    fread(headersPart2,sizeof(char) ,48,infile);  
    fread(space,sizeof(char) ,filesize-54,infile);  
    // copying what in the original image array (space[][]) into the new //array mirror[][]
    for ( int row = 0; row < 240*3 ; row++ ) {
        for (int col = 0 ; col < 160; col++) {
            char temp = space[col][row];
            mirror[col][row] = space[col][row];
            //Starts printing the inverse of the original image, starting at the index where the original image will end
            mirror[col][720+row]=  space[col][719-row];
            space[col][row] = temp;
    // Puts everything back into the outfile , once i save and run on GCC this gives me an image and its inverse on top of each other
    fwrite(headersPart1,sizeof(char) ,2,outfile);
    fwrite(&filesize,sizeof(char) ,4,outfile);
    fwrite(headersPart2,sizeof(char) ,48,outfile);
    //sends whats in mirror [][] to the outfile
    //54 is the size of the header (bmp images))
    fwrite(mirror,sizeof(char) ,filesize-54,outfile);    
    return 0;

PS:我在GCC 上运行这个





