bits 64
extern malloc
section .data
ARRAY_SIZE: equ 27
array: dq 1
error_message: db "Malloc returned NULL!", 10
error_message_length: equ $ - error_message
section .text
global _start
; try to allocate an array of bytes in the heap memory using malloc
push dword ARRAY_SIZE
call malloc
;; if malloc returned NULL, throw an error
cmp rax, 0
je err_out
mov [array], eax ; save a pointer to the allocated memory in array
; fill the array with numbers equal to the indices at that location
xor edx, edx ; use edx for the for loop index
cmp edx, ARRAY_SIZE ; break if edx >= BUFFER_SIZE
jg .for_end
mov [array + edx], edx ; array[i] = i;
inc edx
; print the numbers in array
xor edx, edx ; use edx for the for loop index
cmp edx, ARRAY_SIZE ; break if edx >= BUFFER_SIZE
jg .for_end
mov eax, [array + edx] ; print array[i]
call print_small_number
; allocate stack space for the two-digit number string (two digit chars + ' ' = 3b)
;; save the old rbp
mov [rbp], rsp
sub rsp, 8
mov rbp, rsp
;; allocate space for the number string
sub rsp, 3
;; save rdx for the main function
sub rsp, 8
mov [rbp + 3], rdx
; turn the (assumed two-digit in base 10) number into a string in number_string
;; initialize the number to 0x30, 0x30, 0 (0x30 is the offset to turn a number into a base-10 digit; 10 = 'n')
mov byte [rbp], 0x30
mov byte [rbp + 1], 0x30
mov byte [rbp + 2], 10
; the number to print is already in eax
mov bl, 10 ; divide the message length string by 10 to separate the 10s and 1s digits
div bl ;; the quotient is the 10s digits and the remainder is the 1s
add [rbp], al ; move the resulting char into the first slot in number_string
add [rbp + 1], ah ; move the resulting 1s digit char into the second slot in number_string
; print the message length string
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov rcx, rbp ; the string starts at rbp
mov edx, 3 ; two digits + = 3 chars = 3b
int 0x80
; return
;; restore the old rdx for the main function
mov rdx, [rbp + 3]
add rsp, 8
;; deallocate the number string
add rsp, 3
;; restore the old rbp
add rsp, 8
mov rbp, [rsp]
; print error_message
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, error_message
mov edx, error_message_length
int 0x80
; end the program
mov ebx, 0
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
Malloc returned NULL!
我在一台6GB RAM的笔记本电脑上运行这个程序,几乎没有其他应用程序打开,而且我只试图分配27个字节,所以内存不足的可能性微乎其微。
这个例子是在64位Linux Mint 17 Qiana中组装和运行的,使用以下命令,因为BASH脚本:
nasm -f elf64 "$1.asm" -l "$1.lst" &&
ld -s -o "$1" "$1.o" -lc &&
mov [array], eax
mov array, rax