

17-06-25 06:37:43 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
17-06-25 06:37:46 yyyyyyy
17-06-25 06:37:50 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




Private Sub ExtractNewestLogs(dEarliest As Date)
    Dim sLine As String = ""
    Dim oSRLog As New StreamReader(gsFilLog)
    sLine = oSRLog.ReadLine()
    Do While Not (sLine Is Nothing)
        sLine = oSRLog.ReadLine()
End Sub



下面的功能将使用二进制读取器返回文件中的最后一个x字符数作为字符串。然后,您可以提取比阅读整个日志文件要快得多的最后记录。您可以根据最后20-40个日志条目对多少个字节进行粗略近似来微调要读取的字节数。在我的PC上 - 读取17MB文本文件的最后10,000个字符,花了10毫秒。


Private Function ReadLastbytes(filePath As String, x As Long) As String()
    Dim fileData(x - 1) As Byte
    Dim tempString As New StringBuilder
    Dim oFileStream As New FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
    Dim oBinaryReader As New BinaryReader(oFileStream)
    Dim lBytes As Long
    If oFileStream.Length > x Then
        lBytes = oFileStream.Length - x
        lBytes = oFileStream.Length
    End If
    oBinaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(lBytes, SeekOrigin.Begin)
    fileData = oBinaryReader.ReadBytes(lBytes)
    For i As Integer = 0 To fileData.Length - 1 
        If fileData(i)=0 Then i+=1
    Return tempString.ToString.Split(vbCrLf)
End Function





但是,如下所示,人们也可以采用二进制方法。一旦文件大小增长,优势就会出现。日志文件的最大大小由文件系统确定:NTFS允许16 EIB(16 x 2^60 B(,理论上;在Windows 8或Server 2012下,实际上是256 TIB(256 x 2^40 b(。

(256 tib实际上是含义:典型的日志文件是设计为人类可读的,每行很少超过80个字符。让我们假设您的日志文件沿着愉快而完全不间断的12年,且完全不间断总计为86,400秒的总计4,383天,然后允许您的申请将9个条目写入上述日志文件中,最终达到13年的256 TIB限制。(

二进制方法的最大优势是,n比较足以由2^n个字节组成的日志文件,随着文件大小变大,迅速获得优势:而1个kib文件尺寸需要10个比较(1个KIB(1个(每102.4 b(只需要20个MIB(每50 kiB 1个(,1个GIB(每33次MIB 1(,仅需30个比较,而仅需40个对比较的文件,则只需40个比较。

到该功能。这些假设是做出的:日志文件是在UTF8中编码的,日志线通过CR/LF序列分开,时间戳以每行的开头位于每行的开头,可能是以[yy] yymmddhhnss的格式(可能是(两者之间有一定的插入。(所有这些假设都可以轻松地通过超载函数调用来修改和照顾。(




Imports System.IO
'This function expects a log file which is organized in lines of varying
'lengths, delimited by CR/LF. At the start of each line is a sort criterion
'of any kind (in log files typically YYMMDD HHMMSS), by which the lines are
'sorted in ascending order (newest log line at the end of the file). The
'earliest match allowed to be returned must be provided. From this the sort
'key's length is inferred. It needs not to exist neccessarily. If it does,
'it can occur multiple times, as all other sort keys. The returned string
'array contains all these lines, which are larger than the last one found to 
'be smaller than the provided sort key.
Public Shared Function ExtractLogLines(sLogFile As String,
    sEarliest As String) As String()
    Dim oFS As New FileStream(sLogFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
        FileShare.Read)             'The log file as file stream.
    Dim lMin, lPos, lMax As Long    'Examined stream window.
    Dim i As Long                   'Iterator to find CR/LF.
    Dim abEOL(0 To 1) As Byte       'Bytes to find CR/LF.
    Dim abCRLF() As Byte = {13, 10} 'Search for CR/LF.
    Dim bFound As Boolean           'CR/LF found.
    Dim iKeyLen As Integer = sEarliest.Length      'Length of sort key.
    Dim sActKey As String           'Key of examined log record.
    Dim abKey() As Byte             'Reading the current key.
    Dim lCandidate As Long          'File position of promising candidate.
    Dim sRecords As String          'All wanted records.
    'The byte array accepting the records' keys is as long as the provided
    ReDim abKey(0 To iKeyLen - 1)   '0-based!
    'We search the last log line, whose sort key is smaller than the sort
    'provided in sEarliest.
    lMin = 0                        'Start at stream start
    lMax = oFS.Length - 1 - 2       '0-based, and without terminal CRLF.
        lPos = (lMax - lMin)  2 + lMin     'Position to examine now.
        'Although the key to be compared with sEarliest is located after
        'lPos, it is important, that lPos itself is not modified when
        'searching for the key.
        i = lPos                    'Iterator for the CR/LF search.
        bFound = False
        Do While i < lMax
            oFS.Seek(i, SeekOrigin.Begin)
            oFS.Read(abEOL, 0, 2)
            If abEOL.SequenceEqual(abCRLF) Then    'CR/LF found.
                bFound = True
                Exit Do
            End If
            i += 1
        If Not bFound Then
            'Between lPos and lMax no more CR/LF could be found. This means,
            'that the search is over.
            Exit Do
        End If
        i += 2                              'Skip CR/LF.
        oFS.Seek(i, SeekOrigin.Begin)       'Read the key after the CR/LF
        oFS.Read(abKey, 0, iKeyLen)         'into a string.
        sActKey = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(abKey)
        'Compare the actual key with the earliest key. We want to find the
        'largest key just before the earliest key.
        If sActKey >= sEarliest Then
            'Not interested in this one, look for an earlier key.
            lMax = lPos
            'Possibly interesting, remember this.
            lCandidate = i
            lMin = lPos
        End If
    Loop While lMin < lMax - 1
    'lCandidate is the position of the first record to be taken into account.
    'Note, that we need the final CR/LF here, so that the search for the 
    'next CR/LF sequence following below will match a valid first entry even
    'in case there are no entries to be returned (sEarliest being larger than
    'the last log line). 
    ReDim abKey(CInt(oFS.Length - lCandidate - 1))  '0-based.
    oFS.Seek(lCandidate, SeekOrigin.Begin)
    oFS.Read(abKey, 0, CInt(oFS.Length - lCandidate))
    'We're done with the stream.
    'Convert into a string, but omit the first line, then return as a
    'string array split at CR/LF, without the empty last entry.
    sRecords = (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(abKey))
    sRecords = sRecords.Substring(sRecords.IndexOf(Chr(10)) + 1)
    Return sRecords.Split(ControlChars.CrLf.ToCharArray(),
End Function
