IBM API Connect API Designer not starting

我用命令创建了一个API Connect项目

apic loopback

当我尝试启动 API 设计器时,收到如下错误:

sdil@sdil-VirtualBox:~/Project/test-apic/todo4$ apic edit
The user model "User" is attached to an application that does not specify
whether other sessions should be invalidated when a password or
an email has changed. Session invalidation is important for security
reasons as it allows users to recover from various account breach
We recommend turning this feature on by setting
"logoutSessionsOnSensitiveChanges" to true in
server/config.json (unless you have implemented your own solution
for token invalidation).
We also recommend enabling "injectOptionsFromRemoteContext" in
User's settings (typically via common/models/*.json file).
This setting is required for the invalidation algorithm to keep
the current session valid.
Learn more in our documentation at
Error: loopback.errorHandler is no longer available. Please use the module "strong-error-handler" instead.

当我检查 package.json 中的声明时,我确实看到了编写的强错误处理程序。

"dependencies": {
    "strong-error-handler": "^2.0.0",

如何解决此问题以使 API 设计器运行?


在此处执行"从旧 LoopBack 错误处理程序迁移"中的步骤:

