i0_.id AS id_0,
i0_.address AS address_1,
i1_.name AS name_2,
c2_.name AS name_3,
c3_.code AS code_4,
l4_.iso AS iso_5,
c5_.id AS id_6,
c6_.name AS name_7,
i7_.identifier AS identifier_8
FROM institutions i0_
LEFT JOIN institution_languages i1_ ON (i1_.institution_id = i0_.id)
LEFT JOIN countries c3_ ON (c3_.id = i0_.country_id)
LEFT JOIN country_languages c2_ ON (c2_.country_id = c3_.id)
LEFT JOIN country_spoken_languages c8_ ON (c8_.country_id = c3_.id)
LEFT JOIN cities c5_ ON (c5_.id = i0_.city_id)
LEFT JOIN city_languages c6_ ON (c6_.city_id = c5_.id)
LEFT JOIN languages l4_ ON (l4_.id = i1_.language_id)
LEFT JOIN institution_types i7_ ON (i0_.institution_type_id = i7_.id)
WHERE c8_.is_primary = 1
AND c8_.language_id = l4_.id
AND c2_.language_id = 546
AND i7_.identifier = "work_place"
GROUP BY id_6 #here is the issue...
i0_.id AS id_0,
i0_.address AS address_1,
i1_.name AS name_2,
c2_.name AS name_3,
c3_.code AS code_4,
c4_.name AS name_5,
i5_.identifier AS identifier_6
FROM institutions i0_
LEFT JOIN institution_languages i1_ ON (i1_.institution_id = i0_.id)
LEFT JOIN countries c3_ ON (c3_.id = i0_.country_id)
LEFT JOIN country_languages c2_ ON (c2_.country_id = c3_.id AND c2_.language_id = ?)
LEFT JOIN country_spoken_languages c6_ ON (c6_.country_id = c3_.id AND c6_.language_id = ? AND c6_.is_primary = ?)
LEFT JOIN city_languages c4_ ON (c4_.city_id = i0_.city_id)
LEFT JOIN institution_types i5_ ON (i0_.institution_type_id = i5_.id)
WHERE i5_.identifier = ?
GROUP BY i0_.city_id
1055 - SELECT 列表的表达式 #1 不在 GROUP BY 子句中,并且包含非聚合列 'database.i0_.id'
不是在功能上依赖于 GROUP BY 子句中的列;这是与 sql_mode=only_full_group_by 不兼容
您可以简单地将聚合函数添加到未参与分组依据的列中(例如 min(( 或 max((
(在以前的版本中,此列的结果是不可预测的。 通过这种方式,您可以为获取这些列的值分配一个规则(
i0_.id AS id_0,
min(i0_.address AS) address_1,
min(i1_.name) AS name_2,
min(c2_.name )AS name_3,
min(c3_.code) AS code_4,
min(c4_.name) AS name_5,
min(i5_.identifier) AS identifier_6
FROM institutions i0_
LEFT JOIN institution_languages i1_ ON (i1_.institution_id = i0_.id)
LEFT JOIN countries c3_ ON (c3_.id = i0_.country_id)
LEFT JOIN country_languages c2_ ON (c2_.country_id = c3_.id AND c2_.language_id = ?)
LEFT JOIN country_spoken_languages c6_ ON (c6_.country_id = c3_.id AND c6_.language_id = ? AND c6_.is_primary = ?)
LEFT JOIN city_languages c4_ ON (c4_.city_id = i0_.city_id)
LEFT JOIN institution_types i5_ ON (i0_.institution_type_id = i5_.id)
WHERE i5_.identifier = ?
GROUP BY i0_.city_id
我认为您应该至少在选择字段中使用聚合函数才能使查询正常工作,请参见下文 我尝试使用来自表"客户"和"订单"的示例数据库"经典模型":
select c.customerNumber, sum(o.orderNumber)
from customers c
join orders o
on(c.customerNumber = o.customerNumber)
group by c.customerNumber;
错误 1055 (42000(: SELECT list 的表达式 #2 不在 GROUP BY 子句中,并且包含非聚合列 'classicmodels.o.orderNumber',该列在功能上不依赖于 GROUP BY 子句中的列;这与 sql_mode=only_full_group_by 不兼容