如何在管道脚本中使 Jenkins 节点脱机

我们希望在开始耗时的集成测试之前验证 Jenkins 节点是否健康。如果节点正常,我们希望将其脱机,以便有人可以连接并修复它。


def ExecuteTestsOnSelectedNode() {
stage("integrationtests") {
testSystemVerified = false
while(!testSystemVerified) { // Retry if test system verification failed -  hopefully another node can execute this test...    
node("nodelabel") {
// ... code for unstashing test assemblies omitted
try {
testSystemVerified = checkTestSystem(info, testSetup, testAssemblies);
catch (Exception e) {
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Test system verification failed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!n" + e
throw e
if (testSystemVerified) {
// Then it is safe to execute the actual tests
def checkTestSystem(info, testSetup, testAssemblies) {
try {            
// Execute some command that (quickly) verifies the health of the node
bat "$info.test_runner $test_args"
return true // If we get here the test system is OK
catch (hudson.AbortException e) {
message = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Test system verification aborted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!n" + e
echo message
throw e
catch (Exception e) {
message = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Test system verification failed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!n" + e
echo message
return false
def markNodeOffline(message) {
node = getCurrentNode(env.NODE_NAME)
computer = node.toComputer()
computer = null
node = null
def getCurrentNode(nodeName) {
for (node in Jenkins.instance.nodes) {
if (node.getNodeName() == nodeName) {
echo "Found node for $nodeName"
return node
throw new Exception("No node for $nodeName")
