

是一个跟踪货币的类。由于公然无视适当的面向对象编程实践,这个类有一个公共float amount成员来跟踪钱包里有多少钱。它还有一个公共buyCandy()方法,可以减去购买糖果所需的金额(1 美元)。此类只有一个接受初始资金的构造函数。没有默认构造函数。

我使用这个类作为管道来询问有关 STL 语法、指针/对象、方法和泛型的问题 C++,因为我对这些主题非常困惑。



//comment lines will report the result that report should have if done on the vectors
func evilBanker() {
create a vector of wallets 'liked' with no elements
create a vector of wallets 'disliked' with 10 elements with -10 in their account
float evilAccount = 0;
//report liked = 0, disliked = -100, evilAccount = 0
'embezzleMoney' for 10 money from all of the 'disliked' wallets and add it to evilAccount
//report liked = 0, disliked = -200, evilAccount = 100
use 'buyCandy' to make the last 5 of the 'disliked' wallets buy candy
//report liked = 0, disliked = -205, evilAccount = 100
'likeSome' for first 5 of the 'disliked' elements into the 'liked' vector
//report liked = -100, disliked = -105, evilAccount = 100
'moveToFavorites' the 1st element in the 'disliked' vector to the 'favorites' vector
//report liked = -100 - 21 + 50, disliked = -105 - 21, evilAccount = 100
make a new wallet 'lucy' with 100 money in her account
add her to the favorites using the 'addToFavorites' method
//report liked = -71 + 100 + 100, disliked = -84, evilAccount = 100
reset the 'disliked' accounts removing all trace that they ever existed
//if possible 'disliked' would now be at an entirely new memory location
//but not sure if this is possible to do within a method
//report liked = 129, disliked = 0, evilAccount = 100
//Takes in the list of liked and disliked people and moves the first 'n' elements from the disliked list into the liked list
function 'likeSome' (likedVector, dislikedVector, n) {}
//Takes 'n' money from everyone inside of the vector and adds the money to the myAccount float
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'amount' field to do the subtraction
function 'embezzleMoney' (walletVector, n, &myAccount) {}
//Makes everyone in the vector within a range buy candy
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'buyCandy' method to do the subtraction
function 'buyCandy' (walletVector, lowerIndex, upperIndex) {}
//Adds 100 money to 'walletObjects' account then adds the wallet 'walletObject' to the 'walletVector'
function 'addToFavorites' (walletVector, walletObject) {}
//Moves the 'nth object from the dislikedVector to the likedVector and adds 50 money to its account
function 'moveToFavorites' (dislikedVector, likedVector, n) {}
//Deletes all of the wallets in the vector. 
//To be thorough this will even delete the vector passed into it and create a new vector object to replace walletVector
function 'resetBank' (walletVector) {}
//Report the sum of the accounts of everyone in the vector. 
//As a precaution it should be impossible to modify the vector or its contents inside of this method
function 'report' (walletVector) {} 




vector可以声明为 0 的大小,并且是任何类型的(auto)除外,如下所示:vector<SometypeHere> x。如果要在末尾添加元素,请使用push_back(E).要创建具有初始大小的vector,请使用vector<SometypeHere> x(n);

举个例子,我采用了likeSome(vector likes, vector, dislikes)方法:

void likeSome(vector<Wallet>& likes, vector<Wallet> dislikes, int n)
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) 
likes.push_back( dislikes[i] );


void resetBank(vector<Wallet>& wallets)


void embezzleMoney(const vector<Wallet>& walletVector, int n, float& myAccount)
for(int i = 0; i<walletVector.size(); i++) 
if(walletVector[i].amount - n >= 0)
walletVector[i].amount -= n;
myAccount += n;



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Wallet
float amount;
Wallet(float initialAmount) : amount(initialAmount) {}
void buyCandy() { amount -= 1.0; }
typedef vector<Wallet> WalletVector;
//Takes in the list of liked and disliked people and moves the first 'n' elements from the disliked list into the liked list
void likeSome(WalletVector &liked, WalletVector &disliked, size_t n)
liked.insert(liked.end(), disliked.begin(), disliked.begin()+n);
disliked.erase(disliked.begin(), disliked.begin()+n);
//Takes 'n' money from everyone inside of the vector and adds the money to the myAccount float
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'amount' field to do the subtraction
void embezzleMoney(const WalletVector &wallets, float n, float &myAccount)
for(size_t i = 0; i < wallets.size(); ++i)
const_cast<Wallet&>(wallets[i]).amount -= n;
myAccount += n;
//Makes everyone in the vector within a range buy candy
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'buyCandy' method to do the subtraction
void buyCandy(const WalletVector &wallets, size_t lowerIndex, size_t upperIndex)
for(size_t i = lowerIndex; i <= upperIndex; ++i)
//Adds 100 money to 'walletObjects' account then adds the wallet 'walletObject' to the 'walletVector'
void addToFavorites(WalletVector &wallets, Wallet w)
w.amount += 100;
//Moves the 'nth object from the dislikedVector to the likedVector and adds 50 money to its account
void moveToFavorites(WalletVector &disliked, WalletVector &liked, size_t n)
Wallet w = disliked.at(n);
w.amount += 50;
//Deletes all of the wallets in the vector. 
void resetBank(WalletVector &wallets)
//Report the sum of the accounts of everyone in the vector. 
void report(const WalletVector &wallets)
float total = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < wallets.size(); ++i)
total += wallets[i].amount;
cout << total;
void report(const WalletVector &liked, const WalletVector &disliked, float evilAccount)
cout << "liked = ";
cout << ", disliked = ";
cout << ", evilAccount = " << evilAccount << endl;
void evilBanker()
WalletVector liked;
WalletVector disliked(10, -10);
float evilAccount = 0;
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// embezzle 10 money from all of the 'disliked' wallets and add it to evilAccount
embezzleMoney(disliked, 10, evilAccount);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// make the last 5 of the 'disliked' wallets buy candy
buyCandy(disliked, 5, 9);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// likeSome for first 5 of the 'disliked' elements into the 'liked' vector
likeSome(liked, disliked, 5);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// moveToFavorites' the 1st element in the 'disliked' vector to the 'favorites' vector
moveToFavorites(disliked, liked, 0);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// make a new wallet 'lucy' with 100 money in her account
// add her to the favorites using the 'addToFavorites' method
Wallet lucy(100);
addToFavorites(liked, lucy);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// reset the 'disliked' accounts removing all trace that they ever existed
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
int main()
return 0;


喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -100,邪恶帐户 = 0 喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -200,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -205,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = -100,不喜欢 = -105,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = -71,不喜欢 = -84,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 129,不喜欢 = -84,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 129,不喜欢 = 0,邪恶帐户 = 100



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Wallet
mutable float amount;
Wallet(float initialAmount) : amount(initialAmount) {}
void buyCandy() const { amount -= 1.0; }
typedef vector<Wallet> WalletVector;
//Takes in the list of liked and disliked people and moves the first 'n' elements from the disliked list into the liked list
void likeSome(WalletVector &liked, WalletVector &disliked, size_t n)
liked.insert(liked.end(), disliked.begin(), disliked.begin()+n);
disliked.erase(disliked.begin(), disliked.begin()+n);
//Takes 'n' money from everyone inside of the vector and adds the money to the myAccount float
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'amount' field to do the subtraction
void embezzleMoney(const WalletVector &wallets, float n, float &myAccount)
for(size_t i = 0; i < wallets.size(); ++i)
wallets[i].amount -= n;
myAccount += n;
//Makes everyone in the vector within a range buy candy
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'buyCandy' method to do the subtraction
void buyCandy(const WalletVector &wallets, size_t lowerIndex, size_t upperIndex)
for(size_t i = lowerIndex; i <= upperIndex; ++i)
//Adds 100 money to 'walletObjects' account then adds the wallet 'walletObject' to the 'walletVector'
void addToFavorites(WalletVector &wallets, Wallet w)
w.amount += 100;
//Moves the 'nth object from the dislikedVector to the likedVector and adds 50 money to its account
void moveToFavorites(WalletVector &disliked, WalletVector &liked, size_t n)
Wallet w = disliked.at(n);
w.amount += 50;
//Deletes all of the wallets in the vector. 
void resetBank(WalletVector &wallets)
//Report the sum of the accounts of everyone in the vector. 
void report(const WalletVector &wallets)
float total = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < wallets.size(); ++i)
total += wallets[i].amount;
cout << total;
void report(const WalletVector &liked, const WalletVector &disliked, float evilAccount)
cout << "liked = ";
cout << ", disliked = ";
cout << ", evilAccount = " << evilAccount << endl;
void evilBanker()
WalletVector liked;
WalletVector disliked(10, -10);
float evilAccount = 0;
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// embezzle 10 money from all of the 'disliked' wallets and add it to evilAccount
embezzleMoney(disliked, 10, evilAccount);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// make the last 5 of the 'disliked' wallets buy candy
buyCandy(disliked, 5, 9);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// likeSome for first 5 of the 'disliked' elements into the 'liked' vector
likeSome(liked, disliked, 5);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// moveToFavorites' the 1st element in the 'disliked' vector to the 'favorites' vector
moveToFavorites(disliked, liked, 0);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// make a new wallet 'lucy' with 100 money in her account
// add her to the favorites using the 'addToFavorites' method
Wallet lucy(100);
addToFavorites(liked, lucy);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// reset the 'disliked' accounts removing all trace that they ever existed
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
int main()
return 0;


喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -100,邪恶帐户 = 0 喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -200,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -205,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = -100,不喜欢 = -105,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = -71,不喜欢 = -84,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 129,不喜欢 = -84,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 129,不喜欢 = 0,邪恶帐户 = 100


如上所述,您的">作为预防措施,应该不可能在向量中添加或删除元素,只会改变向量中的对象"的要求可能有点不切实际。 尽管可以完成(如上所述),但不应以这种方式完成。

问题是,当你通过const引用访问vector时,它提供了对其元素的只读(const)访问。 这意味着如果向量直接保存实际对象,则通常不能对它们调用任何非常量方法或修改它们的数据成员。 您必须使用有风险的const_cast类型转换来删除const-ness,或将数据成员声明为mutable。 正如你在上面看到的,后者可以使Wallet::buyCandy()成为一个奇怪的问题 - 它是一种const方法,可以修改调用它的对象的amount

若要正确解决此问题,同时满足要求,可以更改代码以使用包含指向动态分配对象的非常量指针的向量。 然后,您可以对指针本身具有只读访问权限,同时对它们指向的对象具有可写访问权限,例如:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class Wallet
float amount;
Wallet(float initialAmount) : amount(initialAmount) {}
void buyCandy() { amount -= 1.0; }
using WalletPtr = unique_ptr<Wallet>;
using WalletVector = vector<WalletPtr>;
//Takes in the list of liked and disliked people and moves the first 'n' elements from the disliked list into the liked list
void likeSome(WalletVector &liked, WalletVector &disliked, size_t n)
while (n > 0)
WalletPtr w = move(disliked.front());
//Takes 'n' money from everyone inside of the vector and adds the money to the myAccount float
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'amount' field to do the subtraction
void embezzleMoney(const WalletVector &wallets, float n, float &myAccount)
for(size_t i = 0; i < wallets.size(); ++i)
wallets[i]->amount -= n;
myAccount += n;
//Makes everyone in the vector within a range buy candy
//As a precaution it should be impossible to add or remove elements from the vector only mutate the objects within the vector
//Should use the 'buyCandy' method to do the subtraction
void buyCandy(const WalletVector &wallets, size_t lowerIndex, size_t upperIndex)
for(size_t i = lowerIndex; i <= upperIndex; ++i)
//Adds 100 money to 'walletObjects' account then adds the wallet 'walletObject' to the 'walletVector'
void addToFavorites(WalletVector &wallets, WalletPtr w)
w->amount += 100;
//Moves the 'nth object from the dislikedVector to the likedVector and adds 50 money to its account
void moveToFavorites(WalletVector &disliked, WalletVector &liked, size_t n)
WalletPtr w = move(disliked.at(n));
w->amount += 50;
//Deletes all of the wallets in the vector. 
void resetBank(WalletVector &wallets)
//Report the sum of the accounts of everyone in the vector. 
//As a precaution it should be impossible to modify the vector or its contents inside of this method
void report(const WalletVector &wallets)
float total = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < wallets.size(); ++i)
total += wallets[i]->amount;
cout << total;
void report(const WalletVector &liked, const WalletVector &disliked, float evilAccount)
cout << "liked = ";
cout << ", disliked = ";
cout << ", evilAccount = " << evilAccount << endl;
void evilBanker()
WalletVector liked;
WalletVector disliked;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
WalletPtr w(new Wallet(-10));
float evilAccount = 0;
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// embezzle 10 money from all of the 'disliked' wallets and add it to evilAccount
embezzleMoney(disliked, 10, evilAccount);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// make the last 5 of the 'disliked' wallets buy candy
buyCandy(disliked, 5, 9);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// likeSome for first 5 of the 'disliked' elements into the 'liked' vector
likeSome(liked, disliked, 5);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// moveToFavorites' the 1st element in the 'disliked' vector to the 'favorites' vector
moveToFavorites(disliked, liked, 0);
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// make a new wallet 'lucy' with 100 money in her account
// add her to the favorites using the 'addToFavorites' method
WalletPtr lucy(new Wallet(100));
addToFavorites(liked, move(lucy));
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
// reset the 'disliked' accounts removing all trace that they ever existed
report(liked, disliked, evilAccount);
int main()
return 0;


喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -100,邪恶帐户 = 0 喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -200,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 0,不喜欢 = -205,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = -100,不喜欢 = -105,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = -71,不喜欢 = -84,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 129,不喜欢 = -84,邪恶帐户 = 100 喜欢 = 129,不喜欢 = 0,邪恶帐户 = 100

