c - 函数在结构内看不到结构字段



struct packet{
    struct ipv4hdr * iphdr;
    struct icmphdr * icmphdr;
    char * data;
struct ipv4hdr{
    u_int8_t version_length;
    u_int8_t type;
    u_int16_t total_length;
    u_int16_t id;
    u_int16_t frag_off;
    u_int8_t ttl;
    u_int8_t protocol;
    u_int16_t checksum;
    u_int32_t source;
    u_int32_t destination;


struct packet *(*packetCreate)() = dlsym(lib, "createPacket");
void (*setIP)(struct packet *, u_int8_t, u_int8_t, u_int16_t, char*, u_int8_t, char*) = dlsym(lib, "prepareIP");


struct packet * createPacket(){
    struct packet * pack= malloc(sizeof(struct packet));
    return pack;

现在,在 main 中调用字段确实显示了可能的字段:

struct packet * pack = packetCreate();
pack->iphdr->(CTRL+space displays all the fields)   //and eclipse automatically corrects all the . to ->


void prepareIP(struct packet * packet, u_int8_t length, u_int8_t type, u_int16_t id, char* destination, u_int8_t ttl, char *data){
    packet->iphdr->type = type;     //it is not treated by error, though any field causes crash
    //meanwhile hint
    packet->iphdr->(CTRL+space gets)ipv4hdr;


看起来您忘记为struct ipv4hdr * iphdr;分配空间。

但也许这甚至不是你的意图。你真的希望 iphdr 成为你结构中的一个指针吗?如果它是结构的一部分,则更有意义,如下所示

struct packet{
    struct ipv4hdr iphdr;  // notice that we do not use pointers here!
    struct icmphdr icmphdr; // this looks curious to me - we have either an IP or an ICMP package, why both headers in the same package?
    char * data;
