----var sum = 0;
for(int P=0; P<(A.Length-2); P++)
for(int Q=(P+1); Q<(A.Length-1); Q++)
for(int R=(Q+1); R<(A.Length); R++)
if ((A[P] * A[Q] * A[R]) > sum)
sum = (A[P] * A[Q] * A[R]);
return sum;
最快的一般排序是 O(N.Log(N((,但你可以做得更好:你可以对数组进行一次传递,并记下数组中的三个最高和两个最低数字。
(注意:问题指定 3 作为数组的最小大小这一事实意味着您不必考虑少于3个元素,这简化了代码。
因此,您可以在 O(N( 时间内解决它,如下所示:
public static int MaxProduct(params int[] array)
int highest3 = int.MinValue; // Third highest.
int highest2 = int.MinValue; // Second highest.
int highest1 = int.MinValue; // Highest.
int lowest2 = int.MaxValue; // Second lowest.
int lowest1 = int.MaxValue; // Lowest.
foreach (int n in array)
if (n > highest1)
highest3 = highest2;
highest2 = highest1;
highest1 = n;
else if (n > highest2)
highest3 = highest2;
highest2 = n;
else if (n > highest3)
highest3 = n;
if (n < lowest1)
lowest2 = lowest1;
lowest1 = n;
else if (n < lowest2)
lowest2 = n;
// Answer is either the highest 3 or the lowest 2 and the highest 1
// (because the product of two negatives is positive).
int prodHighestOnly = highest3 * highest2 * highest1;
int prodHighestLowest = highest1 * lowest2 * lowest1;
return Math.Max(prodHighestOnly, prodHighestLowest);
你可以这样称呼它:Console.WriteLine(MaxProduct(-3, 1, 2, -2, 5, 6));