

let text = This is a cool story.我在文本中寻找这些短语。

ArrBlue = ["cool story"] 
ArrGreen = ["This is a cool"] 

我想用相应的颜色突出显示数组中的单词。因此,ArrBlue 中的所有单词都将导致文本为蓝色,ArrGreen 为绿色。我像这样创建了两个新的正则表达式。

let regexBlue = new RegExp(arrBlue.join('|'), "ig)  
let regexGreen = new RegExp(arrGreen.join('|'), "ig)

然后我使用这些新变量来替换文本,例如将 span 标签附加到匹配表达式的开头和结尾。

let newText = text.replace(regexBlue, "<span class='blue'>$&</span>")    
.replace(regexGreen, "<span class='green'>$&</span>")

我遇到的问题是我希望我的 html 看起来像这样。

<span class="blue">This is a<span class="green" cool story </span> </span>


This is a <span class="green">cool story</span>


let greenListArray = ["cool story"];
let blueListArray = ['This is a cool'];
let text = $('textarea#textEntered').val();
function highlightText(text){
let regexGreen = new RegExp(greenListArray.join('[,!?.]?|'), "ig");
let regexBlue = new RegExp(blueListArray.join('[,!?.]?|') + "ig");
let newText = text.replace(regexGreen, "<span class='green'>$&</span>")
.replace(regexBlue, "<span class='blue'>$&</span>");
background-color: red;
font: red;
background-color: green;
background-color: grey;
color: white;

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="myform">
<textarea name='textEntered' id='textEntered' />This is a cool story.</textarea>
<button type='submit' class="bttn">Enter</button>

<div class="results-container"> <span class="results-title">Highlighted Text:</span> <div id="results"> </div> <br> </div>
<div class="wantedResults">
Results I wish to have <br>
<span class="blue">This is a</span><span class="green">cool story</span> 

这适用于基本实现。重叠超过 2 次将无法正常工作。并且还需要处理空格。

var arr = [
{str:"cool story",
color: "green"},
{str:"This is a cool",
color: "blue"},
{str:"two best friends",
color: "red"},
{str:"about two best",
color: "yellow"},
let text = $('textarea#textEntered').val();
function highlightText(text)
for(var index=0;index<arr.length;index++)
var matches=text.match(arr[index].str.split(" ").join("\s*(<.*>)*\s*"));
for(var i=1;i<matches.length;i++)
if(!matches[i]) continue;
text = text.replace(matches[0],matches[0].replace(matches[i],"")+matches[i]);
text = text.replace(matches[0],matches[i]+matches[0].replace(matches[i],""));
text = text.replace(arr[index].str, "<span class='"+arr[index].color+"'>$&</span>");
background-color: blue;
background-color: green;
background-color: red;
background-color: yellow;
background-color: grey;
background-color: grey;
color: white;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="myform">
<textarea name='textEntered' id='textEntered'>This is a cool story about two best friends.</textarea>
<button type='submit' class="bttn">Enter</button>

<div class="results-container"> <span class="results-title">Highlighted Text:</span> <div id="results"> </div> <br> </div>
<div class="wantedResults">
Results I wish to have <br>
<span class="blue">This is a</span><span class="green">cool story</span> 


let greenListArray = ["cool story"];
let blueListArray = ['This is a cool'];
let text = $('textarea#textEntered').val();
function highlightText(text){
// this replaces all spaces with regex that will allow the capturing of html tags '<>'
// note that I am only doing this for the first element in the array, this would need to loop over the elements if so desired...
greenListArray[0] = greenListArray[0].replace(new RegExp(' ', 'g'), '( |<.*>| <.*>|<.*> )');
blueListArray[0] = blueListArray[0].replace(new RegExp(' ', 'g'), '( |<.*>| <.*>|<.*> )');

let regexGreen = new RegExp(greenListArray.join('[,!?.]?|'), "ig");
let regexBlue = new RegExp(blueListArray.join('[,!?.]?|'), "ig");

text = replaceStuffs(text, regexGreen, 'green');
text = replaceStuffs(text, regexBlue, 'blue');
function replaceStuffs(text, regex, classToAdd) {
	let matchRegex = regex.exec(text);
	let needToAppend = true;
	matchRegex = matchRegex[0]; // grab the matching string... as it seems to always be the first element in the array returned by .exec...
	let replacement = matchRegex;
	if (matchRegex.indexOf('<span') !== -1 && matchRegex.indexOf('</span>') !== -1) // there is a beginning and ending span tag... we leave it alone
	else if (matchRegex.indexOf('<span') !== -1 && matchRegex.indexOf('</span>') === -1) // there's a beginning tag. we need to find the ending of that tag, and then append our ending </span>
		let regexTemp = new RegExp('<span.*', "ig"); // lets select as much of this beginning tag as we can, so it'll hopefully be unique.
		let str = regexTemp.exec(matchRegex);
		// debugger; <-- this pauses Chrome's execution of JS. useful for testing...
		str = str[0];
		regexTemp = new RegExp(str+'.*</span>', "ig"); // use the string we found, look for the closing </span>
		text = text.replace(regexTemp, '$&</span>'); // we have now put our closing span after the closing </span> that we found.
		needToAppend = false; // set a variable so we don't append the </span> again later...
	else if (matchRegex.indexOf('</span>') !== -1) // closing span, no beginning tag... we need to move it...
		replacement = matchRegex.replace('</span>','');
		replacement += '</span>';
	replacement = '<span class="'+classToAdd+'">'+replacement+(needToAppend ? '</span>' : '');
	text = text.replace(matchRegex, replacement);
	return text;
background-color: red;
font: red;
background-color: green;
background-color: grey;
color: white;

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="myform">
<textarea name='textEntered' id='textEntered' />This is a cool story.</textarea>
<button type='submit' class="bttn">Enter</button>

<div class="results-container"> <span class="results-title">Highlighted Text:</span> <div id="results"> </div> <br> </div>
<div class="wantedResults">
Results I wish to have <br>
<span class="blue">This is a</span><span class="green">cool story</span> 

它可能与"这是一个很酷"和"很酷的故事"重叠有关? 您可能会用另一个搜索过度编写一个搜索,特别是因为您执行后者...... 也许将</span>作为搜索的一部分,如

this is a cool(</span>)?cool(</span>)? story
