
我正在努力使其在屏幕区域更改时字体也会更改!我已经得到了它来正确计算字体大小,并用断点进行了检查。然而,fontSize并没有适当地更改,例如,我在1300x740上运行程序,fontSize被计算为13,但它不会将字体更改为该大小,即使变量fontSize等于13,相反,字体比13小得多。我尝试制作一个临时变量Dim fontSize As Integer = 13,这将文本框更改为正确的大小。


Private Function Resizing()
Dim totalBaseScreenArea As Double = 1936 * 1100
Dim totalCurrentScreenArea As Double = Me.Width * Me.Height
Dim value As Double = totalCurrentScreenArea / totalBaseScreenArea
Dim fontSize As Integer = Math.Ceiling(txtEnterMP.Font.Size * value)
txtEnterMP.Font = New Font(txtEnterMP.Font.FontFamily, fontSize, txtEnterMP.Font.Style)
End Function




Public Class Form1
Private OriginalFontSize As Single = Me.Font.Size
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Call Resizing()
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_ResizeEnd(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.ResizeEnd
Call Resizing()
End Sub
Private Sub Resizing()
'Get the screen resolution of your monitor (may not be the monitor the program is running on)
Dim iWidth As Integer = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width
Dim iHeight As Integer = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Height
'Calculate screen area
Dim totalBaseScreenArea As Double = iWidth * iHeight
Dim totalCurrentScreenArea As Double = Me.Width * Me.Height
'Calculate the new font size
Dim value As Single = (totalCurrentScreenArea / totalBaseScreenArea) * 30
Dim NewFontSize As Single = Math.Ceiling(OriginalFontSize * value)
'Stop the font from being super tiny and hard to read
If NewFontSize < 8 Then NewFontSize = 8
'Display the new font size
Me.Text = "Calculated: " & NewFontSize
Me.Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, NewFontSize, Me.Font.Style)
lblFont.Text = "The font size of this label is " & NewFontSize
Catch Exp As Exception
lblFont.Text = Exp.Message
End Try
End Sub
End Class
