
我正在使用jsonlite加载一些JSON数据,这导致一些嵌套数据类似于下面构建的玩具data.table dt。我希望能够使用rbindlist将嵌套的data.table绑定在一起。


> dt <- data.table(a=c("abc", "def", "ghi"), b=runif(3))
> dt[, c:=list(list(data.table(d=runif(4), e=runif(4))))]
> dt
     a         b            c
1: abc 0.2623218 <data.table>
2: def 0.7092507 <data.table>
3: ghi 0.2795103 <data.table>


> rbindlist(dt[, c])
            d          e
 1: 0.8420476 0.26878325
 2: 0.1704087 0.59654706
 3: 0.6023655 0.42590380
 4: 0.9528841 0.06121386
 5: 0.8420476 0.26878325
 6: 0.1704087 0.59654706
 7: 0.6023655 0.42590380
 8: 0.9528841 0.06121386
 9: 0.8420476 0.26878325
10: 0.1704087 0.59654706
11: 0.6023655 0.42590380
12: 0.9528841 0.06121386


> dt
     a         b            c
1: abc 0.2623218 <data.table>
2: def 0.7092507 <data.table>
3: ghi 0.2795103 <data.table>


> rbindlist(dt[, get("c")])
           V1         V2
 1: 0.8420476 0.26878325
 2: 0.1704087 0.59654706
 3: 0.6023655 0.42590380
 4: 0.9528841 0.06121386
 5: 0.8420476 0.26878325
 6: 0.1704087 0.59654706
 7: 0.6023655 0.42590380
 8: 0.9528841 0.06121386
 9: 0.8420476 0.26878325
10: 0.1704087 0.59654706
11: 0.6023655 0.42590380
12: 0.9528841 0.06121386


在开发版本(v1.9.5)中,问题比简单地丢失名称更严重。在执行语句:rbindlist(dt[, get("c")])之后,整个data.table都损坏了:

> dt
Error in FUN(X[[3L]], ...) : 
  Invalid column: it has dimensions. Can't format it. If it's the result of data.table(table()), use as.data.table(table()) instead.

要清楚,丢失的名称问题发生在v1.9.4(从CRAN安装)和v1.9.5(从github安装),但腐败的data.table问题似乎只影响v1.9.5(截至今天- 2015年7月8日)。




> library(data.table)
data.table 1.13.3 IN DEVELOPMENT built 2020-11-17 18:11:47 UTC; jan using 4 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news: r-datatable.com
> dt <- data.table(a=c("abc", "def", "ghi"), b=runif(3))
> dt[, c:=list(list(data.table(d=runif(4), e=runif(4))))]
> dt
     a         b                 c
1: abc 0.2416624 <data.table[4x2]>
2: def 0.0222938 <data.table[4x2]>
3: ghi 0.3510681 <data.table[4x2]>
> rbindlist(dt[, c])
            d          e
 1: 0.5485731 0.32366420
 2: 0.5457945 0.45173251
 3: 0.6796699 0.03783026
 4: 0.4442776 0.03121024
 5: 0.5485731 0.32366420
 6: 0.5457945 0.45173251
 7: 0.6796699 0.03783026
 8: 0.4442776 0.03121024
 9: 0.5485731 0.32366420
10: 0.5457945 0.45173251
11: 0.6796699 0.03783026
12: 0.4442776 0.03121024
> rbindlist(dt[, get("c")])
            d          e
 1: 0.5485731 0.32366420
 2: 0.5457945 0.45173251
 3: 0.6796699 0.03783026
 4: 0.4442776 0.03121024
 5: 0.5485731 0.32366420
 6: 0.5457945 0.45173251
 7: 0.6796699 0.03783026
 8: 0.4442776 0.03121024
 9: 0.5485731 0.32366420
10: 0.5457945 0.45173251
11: 0.6796699 0.03783026
12: 0.4442776 0.03121024
> dt
     a         b                 c
1: abc 0.2416624 <data.table[4x2]>
2: def 0.0222938 <data.table[4x2]>
3: ghi 0.3510681 <data.table[4x2]>
