Python 子字符串计数代码说明

我想写一个程序来计算字符串中最长的字母子字符串。 例如,str='abcdkjcd' 将生成 'abcd' 作为最长的子字符串。


注释了我的代码,并希望有人可以向我解释 3 行???

s='abc' # Sets a string value
def longeststr(str): # Defines the function to work out the longest substring
    longest=''  # Sets up a variable to store the longest value in with an empty string
    for i in range(len(str)): # Sets up the outside for loop to repeat the instructions below for the same amount of times as elements are in the string
        for j in range(i+1, len (str)): #For each element in the string started from the second element to the end, do the following...
            s=str[i:j+1] # Not sure??
            if ''.join(sorted(s)) == s: # If when try to join a sorted list of s is equal to s? Doesn't make sense??
                longest = max(longest, s, key = len)  # Not sure
                break # Exits the loop
    return 'Longest substring in alphabetical order is:' + longest # Returns value of longest string


s=str[i:j+1] 是一个非常pythony的东西,称为切片。基本上它是从 I 到 str 的 j+1 的子字符串。

如果 ''.join(sorted(s)) == s. 如果您当前查看的字符串在按字母顺序排序后相同,则按顺序排列

最长 = 最大值(最长,s,键 = len)。最长是 s 或自身由 Len 变量确定的最大值



s=str[i:j+1] - 从源字符串中提取子字符串,从位置i到位置j


以下只是选择更大的值:存储在当前子字符串longest变量或 len 中的值。

longest = max(longest, s, key = len)
s='abc' # Sets a string value
def longeststr(str): # Defines the function to work out the longest substring, which accepts str as arg
    longest=''  # Sets up a variable to store the longest value in with an empty string
    for i in range(len(str)): # Sets up the first loop for i iterations from 0 to the lenght of the str (for i = 0;i<len(str);i++)
        for j in range(i+1, len (str)): #For each element next to the i-element 
            s=str[i:j+1] # slice string. eg str = 'abcd', i = 1, j=2, str[i:j+1] = 'bc'. for more information google 'python slice' So in this slice we start from fisrt and second literals, then from first and third, then ...., then from second and third and so on and on  
            if ''.join(sorted(s)) == s: # it is a little bit tricky. 

如果 S = 'BCA',那么 sorted(s) 将给我们 'abc',而 s 将不等于 sorted(s)。但是如果 s = ' abc' 那么排序(s) 和 s 相等,这就是我们正在寻找的

                longest = max(longest, s, key = len)  # according to docs: returns the largest item in an iterable or the largest of two or more arguments. if key (possible options for list.sort() function) is specified, it is used like a criteria for max function. 
                break # Exits the loop
    return 'Longest substring in alphabetical order is:' + longest # Returns value of longest string
