


template <class graph_type >
class Graph_SearchDijkstra
  //create typedefs for the node and edge types used by the graph
  typedef typename graph_type::EdgeType Edge;
  typedef typename graph_type::NodeType Node;
  const graph_type &             m_Graph;
  //this vector contains the edges that comprise the shortest path tree -
  //a directed sub-tree of the graph that encapsulates the best paths from
  //every node on the SPT to the source node.
  std::vector<const Edge*>      m_ShortestPathTree;
  //this is indexed into by node index and holds the total cost of the best
  //path found so far to the given node. For example, m_CostToThisNode[5]
  //will hold the total cost of all the edges that comprise the best path
  //to node 5 found so far in the search (if node 5 is present and has
  //been visited of course).
  std::vector<double>           m_CostToThisNode;
  //this is an indexed (by node) vector of "parent" edges leading to nodes
  //connected to the SPT but that have not been added to the SPT yet.
  std::vector<const Edge*> m_SearchFrontier;
  int                           m_iSource;
  int                           m_iTarget;
  void Search();
  Graph_SearchDijkstra(const graph_type& graph,
                       int               source,
                       int               target = -1):m_Graph(graph),
  //returns the vector of edges defining the SPT. If a target is given
  //in the constructor, then this will be the SPT comprising all the nodes
  //examined before the target is found, else it will contain all the nodes
  //in the graph.
  std::vector<const Edge*> GetAllPaths()const;
  //returns a vector of node indexes comprising the shortest path
  //from the source to the target. It calculates the path by working
  //backward through the SPT from the target node.
  std::list<int>     GetPathToTarget()const;
  //returns the total cost to the target
  double             GetCostToTarget()const;


template <class graph_type>
void Graph_SearchDijkstra<graph_type>::Search()
  //create an indexed priority queue that sorts smallest to largest
  //(front to back). Note that the maximum number of elements the iPQ
  //may contain is NumNodes(). This is because no node can be represented
  // on the queue more than once.
  IndexedPriorityQLow<double> pq(m_CostToThisNode, m_Graph.NumNodes());
  //put the source node on the queue
  //while the queue is not empty
    //get the lowest cost node from the queue. Don't forget, the return value
    //is a *node index*, not the node itself. This node is the node not already
    //on the SPT that is the closest to the source node
    int NextClosestNode = pq.Pop();
    //move this edge from the search frontier to the shortest path tree
    m_ShortestPathTree[NextClosestNode] = m_SearchFrontier[NextClosestNode];
    //if the target has been found exit
    if (NextClosestNode == m_iTarget) return;
    //now to relax the edges. For each edge connected to the next closest node
    graph_type::ConstEdgeIterator ConstEdgeItr(m_Graph, NextClosestNode);
    for (const Edge* pE=ConstEdgeItr.begin();
        //the total cost to the node this edge points to is the cost to the
        //current node plus the cost of the edge connecting them.
        double NewCost = m_CostToThisNode[NextClosestNode] + pE->Cost();
        //if this edge has never been on the frontier make a note of the cost
        //to reach the node it points to, then add the edge to the frontier
        //and the destination node to the PQ.
        if (m_SearchFrontier[pE->To()] == 0)
          m_CostToThisNode[pE->To()] = NewCost;
          m_SearchFrontier[pE->To()] = pE;
        //else test to see if the cost to reach the destination node via the
        //current node is cheaper than the cheapest cost found so far. If
        //this path is cheaper we assign the new cost to the destination
        //node, update its entry in the PQ to reflect the change, and add the
        //edge to the frontier
        else if ( (NewCost < m_CostToThisNode[pE->To()]) &&
                  (m_ShortestPathTree[pE->To()] == 0) )
          m_CostToThisNode[pE->To()] = NewCost;
        //because the cost is less than it was previously, the PQ must be
        //resorted to account for this.
        m_SearchFrontier[pE->To()] = pE;


//else test to see if the cost to reach the destination node via the
            //current node is cheaper than the cheapest cost found so far. If
            //this path is cheaper we assign the new cost to the destination
            //node, update its entry in the PQ to reflect the change, and add the
            //edge to the frontier
            else if ( (NewCost < m_CostToThisNode[pE->To()]) &&
                      (m_ShortestPathTree[pE->To()] == 0) )


仅供参考,在m_ShortestPathTree[pE->To()] == 0中,容器是一个向量,它有一个指向每个索引(索引表示一个节点)的边(或NULL)的指针


S --5-- A --2-- F
 -3  -4

你想从S转到F。首先,让我告诉你Dijkstra算法假设图中没有负权重的循环。在我的例子中,这个循环是S -> B -> A -> S或更简单的S -> B -> S





Starting Weights: S(0), A(inf), B(inf), F(inf)
- Accept S
New weights: [S(0)], A(5), B(-3), F(inf)
- Accept B
New weights: [S(-3)], A(-7), [B(-3)], F(inf)
- Accept A
New weights: [S(-3)], [A(-7)], [B(-11)], F(-5)
- Accept B again
New weights: [S(-14)], [A(-18)], [B(-11)], F(-5)
- Accept A again
... infinite loop


Starting Weights: S(0), A(inf), B(inf), F(inf)
- Accept S
New weights: [S(0)], A(5), B(-3), F(inf)
- Accept B (doesn't change S)
New weights: [S(0)], A(-7), [B(-3)], F(inf)
- Accept A (doesn't change S or B
New weights: [S(0)], [A(-7)], [B(-3)], F(-5)
- Accept F
