Laravel 5 Homestead,带Vagrant和Virtual Box White页面


因此,目前,我被分配用于使用Homestead和Vagrant的Laravel 5安装和配置,目前我遇到了各种问题。.现在,我在Gitbash中遇到了以下错误。在此错误之前,我再次运行了,因为有人告诉我他以这种方式修复了他的宅基地。那么如何解决此错误?

哦,我在Windows 7上工作。

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Stefano@STEFANO-PC ~/Homestead/Homestead (master)
$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Checking if box 'laravel/homestead' is up to date...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: homestead
The name of your virtual machine couldn't be set because VirtualBox
is reporting another VM with that name already exists. Most of the
time, this is because of an error with VirtualBox not cleaning up
properly. To fix this, verify that no VMs with that name do exist
(by opening the VirtualBox GUI). If they don't, then look at the
folder in the error message from VirtualBox below and remove it
if there isn't any information you need in there.
VirtualBox error:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Could not rename the directory 'C:UsersStefanoVirtualB
ox VMssettler_default_1430450956915_11366_1431938089885_29938' to 'C:UsersSte
fanoVirtualBox VMshomestead' to save the settings file (VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component SessionMachi
ne, interface IMachine, callee IUnknown
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "SaveSettings()" at line 2788 of file VBoxManage

Stefano@STEFANO-PC ~/Homestead/Homestead (master)


要解决此问题,请验证是否存在该名称的VM(通过打开VirtualBox GUI)。如果没有,请查看下面VirtualBox的错误消息中的文件夹,如果您没有任何信息,请将其删除。

