servlet会话跟踪 - 会话属性的线程安全性





// Import servlet and HTTP functionality packages.
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
// Import packages to: handle user inputs and outputs, enable usage of decimal formatting of numbers.
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class SessionBank extends HttpServlet    // Define concrete class and extend HTTP functionality.
    public void init() throws ServletException  // Initialise variables at start of the servlet. Possible exception.
    // The method to output the initial HTML form to the screen, addressing also possible exceptions.
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
        // Declare and initiate local variables.
        double balance = 0;                     // The current balance variable, un-formatted number, initiate to zero.
        String formattedBal = "";               // The current balance variable, formatted to show as currency amount, initially blank.
        // Set balance and formatted balance as session attributes.
        request.getSession().setAttribute("balance", balance);
        request.getSession().setAttribute("formattedBal", formattedBal);
        showBalance(request, response); // Call custom-defined method to display initial page.
    // Method to respond to user's button inputs - output relevant HTML back to the screen. Possible exceptions.
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
        HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);     // Establish session object.
        response.setContentType("text/html");       // Set response type to text/HTML.
        response.setHeader("Expires", "Tues, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT");    // Set past date to forbid cache.
        // If user clicks "Deposit" button:
        if(request.getParameter("depButton") != null && request.getParameter("depButton").equals("Deposit"))
            if(verifyAmount(request))   // If entered amount passes verification.
                addToBalance(request, session);         // Add the amount to current balance.
                redisplayCurrentPage(response);     // Redisplay initial page.
            else        // If entered amount does not pass verification.
                showErrorPage(response);    // Display error page.
        // If user clicks "Withdraw" button:
        if(request.getParameter("withdrButton") != null && request.getParameter("withdrButton").equals("Withdraw"))
            if(verifyAmount(request))   // If entered amount passes verification.
                subtractFromBalance(request, session);  // Subtract the amount from current balance.
                redisplayCurrentPage(response);     // Redisplay initial page.
            else        // If entered amount does not pass verification.
                showErrorPage(response);    // Display error page.
        // If user clicks "Balance" button:
        if(request.getParameter("balButton") != null && request.getParameter("balButton").equals("Balance"))
            showBalance(request, response);     // Display current formatted balance on page.
    private boolean verifyAmount(HttpServletRequest request)    // Method to verify entered amount, based on textbook criteria.
        boolean amountValid = false;    // Declare and initiate a validity variable.
        // If entered amount is not blank and is greater than zero, return validity as true. Else, return false.
        if(request.getParameter("amount") != "" && Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("amount")) > 0)
            amountValid = true;
            amountValid = false;
        return amountValid;     // Return validity variable.
    // Method to add amount to balance, addressing possible exception.
    private void addToBalance(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session) throws IOException
        double userAmount = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("amount")); // Declare and assign entered amount variable.
        // Down-cast session attribute object to String, then parse into double type variable.
        double balOld = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(session.getAttribute("balance")));
        double balNew = balOld + userAmount;        // Add the amount to current balance and save the value.
        session.setAttribute("balance", balNew);    // Assign new balance to the session attribute.
    // Method to subtract from balance. Possible exception.
    private void subtractFromBalance(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session) throws IOException
        double userAmount = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("amount")); // Declare and assign entered amount value.
        // Down-cast session attribute object to String, then parse into a double type variable.
        double balOld = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(session.getAttribute("balance")));
        double balNew = balOld - userAmount;        // Subtract the amount from the balance and save the value.
        session.setAttribute("balance", balNew);    // Assign new balance value to the session attribute.
    private void showBalance(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException   // Method to output balance HTML page. Possible exception.
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();     // Establish HTML writer object.
        formatBalance(request); // Format current balance for displaying.
            out.println("<hr>");        // Horizontal line.
            out.println("<title>Online Bank ATM Simulator</title>");        // Title to show on browser title bar.
            out.println("<h1 align = "center">Bank ATM Simulation</h1>"); // Page heading, centered on page.
            out.println("<body onLoad = "amount.focus()">");              // Set focus to the text-field.
                out.println("<form method = "POST" action = "../servlet/SessionBank">");    // Form method and submission address.
                    out.println("<center>");        // Tag to center the following output on page.
                    out.println("Amount: ");
                    out.println("<input type = "text" name = "amount" id = "amount" size = "20"><br><br>"); // Amount text field.
                    out.println("Balance: ");
                    out.println(request.getSession().getAttribute("formattedBal") + "<br><br>");    // Current formatted balance shown.
                    out.println("<button name = "balButton" value = "Balance">Balance</button>");   // "Balance" button.
                    out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");  // Spacers.
                    out.println("<button name = "depButton" value = "Deposit">Deposit</button>");   // "Deposit" button.
                    out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");  // Spacers.
                    out.println("<button name = "withdrButton" value = "Withdraw">Withdraw</button>");  // "Withdraw" button.
                    out.println("</center>");       // Tag to end centering of output on page.
                out.println("</form>");     // End of form.
            out.println("<hr>");        // Horizontal line.
    // Method to redisplay form after deposit/withdrawal.
    private void redisplayCurrentPage(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();     // Establish HTML writer object.
            out.println("<hr>");        // Horizontal line.
            out.println("<title>Online Bank ATM Simulator</title>");        // Title to show on browser title bar.
            out.println("<h1 align = "center">Bank ATM Simulation</h1>"); // Page heading, centered on page.
            out.println("<body onLoad = "amount.focus()">");              // Set focus to the text-field.
                out.println("<form method = "POST" action = "../servlet/SessionBank">");    // Form method and submission address.
                    out.println("<center>");        // Tag to center the following output on page.
                    out.println("Amount: ");
                    out.println("<input type = "text" name = "amount" id = "amount" size = "20"><br><br>"); // Amount text field.
                    out.println("Balance: ");
                    out.println("<br><br>");    // No formatted balance value shown.
                    out.println("<button name = "balButton" value = "Balance">Balance</button>");   // "Balance" button.
                    out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");  // Spacers.
                    out.println("<button name = "depButton" value = "Deposit">Deposit</button>");   // "Deposit" button.
                    out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");  // Spacers.
                    out.println("<button name = "withdrButton" value = "Withdraw">Withdraw</button>");  // "Withdraw" button.
                    out.println("</center>");       // Tag to end centering of output on page.
                out.println("</form>");     // End of form.
            out.println("<hr>");        // Horizontal line.
    private void formatBalance(HttpServletRequest request)  // Method to format the current balance number to a currency amount.
        DecimalFormat dollars = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.###");  // Construct new decimal format.
        // Down-cast session attribute to String, parse to double, then format using the above decimal format and save value.
        String formattedBal = dollars.format(Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(request.getSession().getAttribute("balance"))));
        request.getSession().setAttribute("formattedBal", formattedBal);    // Assign new formatted balance to session attribute.
    // Method to output error HTML page, if entered amount does not pass verification. Possible exception.
    private void showErrorPage(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();     // Establish HTML writer object.
                out.println("<title>Amount Input Error</title>");   // Title to show in browser title bar.
                out.println("<h1>Error processing the input.</h1><br>");    // Heading text.
                out.println("Please ensure your input:<br><br>");
                out.println("- Is not blank.<br>");
                out.println("- Is strictly a number.<br>");
                out.println("- Is a positive, non-zero amount.");
    public void destroy()   // Method to terminate the servlet.




浏览器可能与此浏览器有点不一致,但最终您看到的是,单个浏览器正在与您的服务器与单个session cookie(通常命名为jsessionId)进行交互。从服务器和您的代码的角度来看,它不知道由于单个cookie而有多个选项卡或浏览器。

在这种情况下,一个线程从会话中访问值,更新并存储它。另一个线程 - 使用不同的浏览器选项卡 - 执行同一件事。但是,会话中只有一个会话和一个变量,因此最终在浏览器选项卡之间共享。

解决这可能是跨平台方式的挑战。一种方法是在浏览器中让一些JavaScript在启动时生成唯一的数字或代码。因此,例如,您可以在HTML代码中创建onload方法,并使用简单的Math.random() JavaScript调用。然后,对于每个请求,您将此号码传递给后端。在后端您创建一个映射JavaScript生成的数字到另一个参数地图并存储在会话中的地图。

