

int main()
int userInput;
int randoms = rand() % 100;
int numCalls;
int i;
float average = 0.0;
printf("Please enter a number in between 0 and 99: ");
scanf(" %d", &userInput);
for( i = 0; i < 50; i++)
while (userInput != randoms);
numCalls = numCalls + 1;
if (userInput = randoms)
float average = numCalls/50.0;
printf("Number of iterations it took for a matching number: %dn", numCalls);
printf("Average number of iterations to find a match: %.2fn", average);
  1. randoms值没有更新
  2. if (userInput=randoms)不是布尔函数,它应该是if (userInput==randoms)


int main()
int userInput;
int randoms = rand() % 100;
int numCalls;
int i;
float average = 0.0;
int totalCalls=0;
printf("Please enter a number in between 0 and 99: ");
scanf(" %d", &userInput);
for( i = 0; i < 50; i++)
numCalls = 0; //reset iteration number
randoms = rand()%100;
} while (randoms!=userInput);
totalCalls += numCalls;         
printf("Number of iterations it took for a matching number: %dn", numCalls);
average = (float)totalCalls/(float)i;
printf("Average number of iterations to find a match: %.2fn", average);




scanf具有返回。您必须使用它来验证格式字符串中包含的每个转换说明符的成功转换(例如"%d"1转换)。如果成功执行转换,则必须验证该值是否在0 - 99之间。你可以通过来实现这一点

#define MAXN   99
if (scanf ("%d", &num) != 1) {  /* validate ALL user input */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.n");
return 1;
if (num < 0 || num > MAXN) {    /* validate num is within range */
fprintf (stderr, "error: value out of range: %dn", num);
return 1;

考虑一下需要变量的范围。是的,您可以在顶部声明它们,但如果它们仅在循环等中使用,则如果您在所需的范围内声明值,则可以减少名称冲突或以后无意修改值的可能性。(使用C99或更高版本,您可以在循环声明中声明for循环变量(例如for (int i = 0; ...))


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define NTIMES 50   /* if you need a constant, declare one (or two) */
#define MAXN   99
int main (void) {
int i, num;
double avg = 0.0;
srand (time (NULL));
printf ("enter a number (0-%d): ", MAXN);
if (scanf ("%d", &num) != 1) {  /* validate ALL user input */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.n");
return 1;
if (num < 0 || num > MAXN) {    /* validate num is within range */
fprintf (stderr, "error: value out of range: %dn", num);
return 1;
for (i = 0; i < NTIMES; i++) {  /* loop 50 time for average */
int nrands = 0,
randnum = rand() % (MAXN + 1);    /* get 1st random */
/* loop until equal updating counter nrands */
for (; randnum != num; randnum = rand() % (MAXN + 1))
nrands += 1;
printf ("test[%2d] : %4d iterations to match.n", i+1, nrands); 
avg += nrands;      /* keep sum in avg */
avg /= (double)NTIMES;  /* divide for final average */
printf ("nAverage number of iterations to find match: %.2fn", avg);
return 0;


$ ./bin/iters2match
enter a number (0-99): 31
test[ 1] :   19 iterations to match.
test[ 2] :   30 iterations to match.
test[ 3] :  239 iterations to match.
test[ 4] :  116 iterations to match.
test[ 5] :  220 iterations to match.
test[ 6] :  198 iterations to match.
test[ 7] :   64 iterations to match.
test[ 8] :   77 iterations to match.
test[ 9] :  106 iterations to match.
test[10] :   94 iterations to match.
test[11] :  123 iterations to match.
test[12] :   77 iterations to match.
test[13] :  167 iterations to match.
test[14] :   23 iterations to match.
test[15] :    3 iterations to match.
test[16] :  226 iterations to match.
test[17] :   58 iterations to match.
test[18] :  190 iterations to match.
test[19] :   44 iterations to match.
test[20] :  204 iterations to match.
test[21] :  134 iterations to match.
test[22] :   30 iterations to match.
test[23] :   40 iterations to match.
test[24] :   59 iterations to match.
test[25] :   21 iterations to match.
test[26] :  218 iterations to match.
test[27] :    8 iterations to match.
test[28] :   21 iterations to match.
test[29] :  259 iterations to match.
test[30] :  227 iterations to match.
test[31] :   11 iterations to match.
test[32] :   22 iterations to match.
test[33] :  187 iterations to match.
test[34] :   90 iterations to match.
test[35] :    5 iterations to match.
test[36] :   43 iterations to match.
test[37] :  114 iterations to match.
test[38] :   38 iterations to match.
test[39] :   24 iterations to match.
test[40] :   53 iterations to match.
test[41] :   71 iterations to match.
test[42] :  148 iterations to match.
test[43] :   61 iterations to match.
test[44] :   78 iterations to match.
test[45] :    5 iterations to match.
test[46] :   30 iterations to match.
test[47] :  281 iterations to match.
test[48] :   18 iterations to match.
test[49] :  109 iterations to match.
test[50] :   31 iterations to match.
Average number of iterations to find match: 94.28

