
我做了vagrant up --provision libvirt,它挂在:

default: Waiting for SSH to become available...

我可以做vagrant ssh. 它有效!但我不明白为什么流浪者挂在ssh模式下。我从本地删除了所有机器。再次构建。不能解决问题。此外,重新安装插件也无济于事。另外,从我的存储库中删除 .vagrant 文件!我从 .vagrant.d 中删除了 inscure-keypair我做了vagrant reload


An action 'up' was attempted on the machine 'default',
but another process is already executing an action on the machine.
Vagrant locks each machine for access by only one process at a time.
Please wait until the other Vagrant process finishes modifying this
machine, then try again.
If you believe this message is in error, please check the process
listing for any "ruby" or "vagrant" processes and kill them. Then
try again.

我杀死了所有红宝石和流浪过程,但没有帮助流浪者版本:1.9.4流浪者-自由版本:0.0.37乌班图 16.04

我在尝试运行vagrant up --provider=lxc时遇到了类似的问题我只需检查是否有任何红宝石/流浪进程已经在运行并杀死它,就可以修复它。仅供参考,就我而言,我在当前运行之前启动的vagrant up过程仍在运行。

$ ps -ef | grep ruby
$ ps -ef | grep vagrant
$ kill -9
$ Restart "vagrant up --provider=lxc"
