

type person struct {
    name string
    age  int
type animal struct {
    name  string
    age   int
    breed string

现在,我想构建函数getRandomSequence如下:作为参数a s s s s s s s s s s and l length L l the函数返回一个slice,其中包含l从Slice S中随机选择的元素。我遇到的问题是 - 如何使此问题任何可能的切片的功能工作。我试图做以下操作:

func GetRandomSequence(S interface{}, l int) []interface{} {
   switch S.(type) {
   case person:
      // Do random selection of l elements from S and return them
   case animal:
      // Do random selection of l elements from S and return them
   case int:
     // Do random selection of l elements from S and return them
   return " Not Recognised"




func GetRandomSequence(S interface{}, l int) interface{} {
   returnSlice := []interface{}
   switch v := s.(type) {
   // inside the switch v has the value of S converted to the type
   case []person:
      // v is a slice of persons here
   case []animal:
      // v is a slice of animals here
   case []int:
      // v is a slice of ints here
   case default:
       // v is of type interface{} because i didn't match any type on the switch
       // I recommend you return nil on error instead of a string
       // or always return 2 things, the value and an error like 
       // the standard library
       return "Not Recognized" 
   rerurn returnSlice



func GetRandomSequence(S []interface{}, l int) []interface{} {
    returnSlice := make([]interface{}, 0, l)
    for i:=0; i<l; i++ { 
        // S[i] here is always of type interface{}
        returnSlice = append(returnSlice, S[getRnd()]) // you need to implement getRnd() or just "math/rand" or something.
    return returnSlice 
