Inform7 中规则中的同义词不会更改吗?



TürpanelSM is a kind of a thing. Sicherheitsausweis can be used with TürpanelSM. TürpanelSM has a number called activated. Activated of TürpanelSM is usually 0. TürpanelSM has a number called manipulated. Manipulated of TürpanelSM is usually 0.
Unlocking a TürpanelSM with Sicherheitsausweis is an action applying to two things.
Understand "use [Sicherheitsausweis] with [a TürpanelSM]" as unlocking a TürpanelSM with Sicherheitsausweis.
Manipulating a TürpanelSM with Mobitab is an action applying to two things.
Understand "manipulate [a TürpanelSM]" as manipulating a TürpanelSM with Mobitab.
Understand "use [Mobitab] with [a TürpanelSM]" as manipulating a TürpanelSM with Mobitab.
Instead of unlocking a TürpanelSM with Sicherheitsausweis:
if TürpanelSM (called currentPanel) is part of a door and manipulated of the currentPanel is 0:
say "Securitypass not accepted. You could try to manipulate the panel...";
otherwise if TürpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door (called the parent) and activated of the currentPanel is 0:
now the parent is unlocked;
now the parent is open;
now activated of the currentPanel is 1;
otherwise if TürpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door (called the parent) and activated of the currentPanel is 1:
now the parent is closed;
now the parent is locked;
now activated of the currentPanel is 0;
otherwise if TürpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door:
Instead of manipulating a TürpanelSM with Mobitab:
if TürpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door and manipulated of the currentPanel is 0:
now manipulated of the currentPanel is 1;
say "Panel got manipulated";
otherwise if TürpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door and manipulated of the currentPanel is 1:
say "Panel was manipulated already.";

一扇门只能很好地工作。但是,如果我使用两个或多个门,则定义的门板的属性似乎是全局的。我确信now activated of the currentPanel is 0;没有更改当前面板的属性,而是声明了在以下每个条件下要求的全局变量。我完全无法找到正确设置和获取我要求的面板值的方法。


"TestsForSO" by geisterfurz007
Locker is a container.
Mobitab is in Locker.
Securitypass is in Locker.
Locker is in Hangar.
DoorpanelSM is a kind of a thing. Securitypass can be used with DoorpanelSM. DoorpanelSM has a number called activated. Activated of DoorpanelSM is usually 0. DoorpanelSM has a number called manipulated. Manipulated of DoorpanelSM is usually 0.
Unlocking a DoorpanelSM with Securitypass is an action applying to two things.
Understand "use [Securitypass] with [a DoorpanelSM]" as unlocking a DoorpanelSM with Securitypass.
Manipulating a DoorpanelSM with Mobitab is an action applying to two things.
Understand "manipulate [a DoorpanelSM]" as manipulating a DoorpanelSM with Mobitab.
Understand "use [Mobitab] with [a DoorpanelSM]" as manipulating a DoorpanelSM with Mobitab.
Instead of unlocking a DoorpanelSM with Securitypass:
if DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) is part of a door and manipulated of the currentPanel is 0:
say "Securitypass not accepted. You could try to manipulate the panel...";
otherwise if DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door (called the parent) and activated of the currentPanel is 0:
now the parent is unlocked;
now the parent is open;
now activated of the currentPanel is 1;
otherwise if DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door (called the parent) and activated of the currentPanel is 1:
now the parent is closed;
now the parent is locked;
now activated of the currentPanel is 0.
Instead of manipulating a DoorpanelSM with Mobitab:
if DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door and manipulated of the currentPanel is 0:
now manipulated of the currentPanel is 1;
say "Panel got manipulated";
otherwise if DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) is a part of a door and manipulated of the currentPanel is 1:
say "Panel was manipulated already.";


将 Mobitab
与 TPTSM1 一起使用//这是第一个门板; 使用带有TPTSM1的安全通行证操纵门//打开门
板(向西北); 表示面板已纵。


甚至更多编辑:因此,如上所述(看起来),currentPanel的值似乎在操纵/解锁后被修复。但是,showme 既看不到这个东西,也不能在代码中的其他地方使用它。我只从仅在函数中作为参数知道的参数中知道这种行为。所以这让我更加困惑...


if DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) is part of a door ...



Instead of unlocking a DoorpanelSM (called currentPanel) with Securitypass:



Sicherheitsausweis can be used with TürpanelSM不太可能做你想做的事情:它创造了一个名为"与TürpanelSM一起使用"的形容词,并且没有做任何其他事情。

相反,使用数字属性来跟踪对象状态有些笨拙,通常使用形容词代替。所以你会定义DoorpanelSM can be activated,用if currentPanel is activated测试它,用now currentPanel is activatednow currentPanel is not activated来设置它。


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