HyperLeDger Fabric/HyperLeDger Composer网络定义用于课程注册绘图板

我想为"健身中心"创建一个区块链课程注册绘制。我使用Hyperledger Composer进行了示例,但没有发现出于我的目的的类似示例:

每个健身中心成员都应该能够 - 注册课程。 - 参加几门课程(1:N关系(。 - 删除他的出勤 - 或将课程注册到健身中心的另一名成员

我的问题:如何在Hyperledger作曲家中使用Fabric for我的用例构建智能设计模型?我在这里尝试:




清楚我想做什么:在SQL中,我将创建此表来建立关系(简化用于插图, *= primalykey(:

(tbl: Course)
CourseID* / Name
001       ; Swim
002       ; Basic Training
003       ; Personal Training Class
(tbl: PersonalData)
UserID*   / Name            
1         ; Marc Miller
2         ; Tom Wood  
3         ; Mike Sun 
(tbl: MatchingCourseToGroup)
GroupID*/ CourseID
A       ;  001 (Group A belongs to the Swim Class)
B       ;  001 (Group B also belongs to the Swim Class)
C       ;  002 (Group C belongs to Basic Training)
D       ;  003 (and so on...) 
E       ;  003
F       ;  003
(tbl: ParticipantsInGroup)
TicketID*/ UserID / CourseID
01      ; 1 ; A
02      ; 1 ; B
03      ; 1 ; C
04      ; 2 ; A
05      ; 3 ; B
06      ; 3 ; C
Marc: takes part in 2 swim classes (Course with ID 001, received with primary key A) and (Course with ID 001, received with primary key B).
Other members can also take part in his Course.






namespace org.test
participant Customer identified by customerId {
  o String customerId
  o String firstname
  o String lastname
  --> Course[] enrolledCourses
asset Course identified by courseId {
  o String courseId
  o String courseName
  o Integer participants
  o Integer maxParticipants default = 10
  o String status default = "OPEN"
  --> Customer[] participants 
transaction courseEnroll {
  --> Customer customer
  --> Course course



rule CustomerEnroll {
  description: "Customers can enroll for a course only with their account"
  participant(t): "org.test.Customer"
  operation: ALL
  resource(v): "org.test.courseEnroll"
  condition:  (t.getIdentifier() == v.customer.getIdentifier())
  action: ALLOW
rule CustomerSeeUpdateThemselvesOnly {
  description: "Customers can see and update their own record only"
  participant(t): "org.test.Customer"
  operation: READ, UPDATE
  resource(v): "org.test.Customer"
  condition: (t.getIdentifier() == v.getIdentifier())
  action: ALLOW
