


'Pivot left
Private Function PivoterAGauche(leNoeud As NoeudAVL) As NoeudAVL
If leNoeud Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
ElseIf leNoeud.FilsDroit Is Nothing AndAlso leNoeud.FilsGauche Is Nothing Then
Return leNoeud
ElseIf leNoeud.FilsDroit Is Nothing Then
Return leNoeud
' ElseIf leNoeud.FilsGauche Is Nothing Then
Else 'Le leNoeud.FilsGauche existe.
Dim pivot As NoeudAVL = leNoeud.FilsGauche
leNoeud.FilsGauche = pivot.FilsDroit
pivot.FilsDroit = leNoeud
leNoeud = pivot
Return leNoeud
End If
End Function
'pivot rigth
Private Function PivoterADroite(leNoeud As NoeudAVL) As NoeudAVL
If leNoeud Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
ElseIf leNoeud.FilsDroit Is Nothing AndAlso leNoeud.FilsGauche Is Nothing Then
Return leNoeud
ElseIf leNoeud.FilsDroit Is Nothing Then
Return leNoeud
' ElseIf leNoeud.FilsGauche Is Nothing Then
Else 'Le leNoeud.FilsGauche existe.
Dim pivot As NoeudAVL = leNoeud.FilsDroit
leNoeud.FilsDroit = pivot.FilsGauche
pivot.FilsGauche = leNoeud
leNoeud = pivot
Return leNoeud
End If
End Function


Private Function Inserer(leElement As T, leNoeudCourant As NoeudAVL) As NoeudAVL
Dim intBalance As Integer
'If the node does not existes
If leNoeudCourant Is Nothing Then
m_blnOperationOK = True
Return New NoeudAVL(leElement)
'If the node already existes.
ElseIf leElement.CompareTo(leNoeudCourant.Element) = 0 Then
m_blnOperationOK = False
Return leNoeudCourant
ElseIf leElement.CompareTo(leNoeudCourant.Element) < 0 Then
intBalance = Hauteur(leNoeudCourant.FilsGauche) - Hauteur(leNoeudCourant.FilsDroit)
If (intBalance = 2) Then
leNoeudCourant = PivoterAGauche(leNoeudCourant)
End If
leNoeudCourant.FilsGauche = Inserer(leElement, leNoeudCourant.FilsGauche)
ElseIf leElement.CompareTo(leNoeudCourant.Element) > 0 Then
intBalance = Hauteur(leNoeudCourant.FilsGauche) - Hauteur(leNoeudCourant.FilsDroit)
If (intBalance = 2) Then
leNoeudCourant = PivoterADroite(leNoeudCourant)
End If
leNoeudCourant.FilsDroit = Inserer(leElement, leNoeudCourant.FilsDroit)
End If
'Return current node that will become the root.
Return leNoeudCourant





  • 的高度(它们下面有多少节点(。
  • 如果它们变得不平衡(在当前评估的节点下,两个孩子的身高差都高于 1 级(。




Private _height As Integer = 0
Public ReadOnly Property Height As Integer
Return _height
End Get
End Property



Private Function insert(ByVal key As Integer, Optional node As Node = Nothing, ) As Node
'if you are creating the root, node is nothing
If (node Is Nothing) Then
Return New Node(key)
End If
'creating new nodes when needed
If (key < node.key) Then
node.FilGauche = insert(key, node.FilGauche)
ElseIf (key > node.key) Then
node.FilDroit = insert(key, node.FilDroit)
Return node
End If
're-evaluating height (accounting for null pointers) and then balancing the tree
node._height = (1 + max(If(node.FilGauche.Height IsNot Nothing, node.FilGauche.Height, 0), node.FilDroit.Height IsNot Nothing, node.FilDroit.Height))
Dim balance As Integer = If(node.FilGauche.Height IsNot Nothing, node.FilGauche.Height, 0) - If(node.FilDroit.Height IsNot Nothing, node.FilDroit.Height, 0)
' If this node becomes unbalanced, then there 
' are 4 cases Left Left Case 
If ((balance > 1) AndAlso (key < node.FilGauche.key)) Then
Return rightRotate(node)
End If
' Right Right Case 
If ((balance < -1) AndAlso (key > node.FilDroit.key)) Then
Return leftRotate(node)
End If
' Left Right Case 
If ((balance > 1) AndAlso (key > node.FilGauche.key)) Then
node.FilGauche = leftRotate(node.FilGauche)
Return rightRotate(node)
End If
' Right Left Case 
If ((balance < -1) AndAlso (key < node.FilDroit.key)) Then
node.FilDroit = rightRotate(node.FilDroit)
Return leftRotate(node)
End If
Return node
End Function

