在Mac OSX上安装Paredit vim插件

我最近在我的mac osx上下载了vim的paredit插件。我加上了括号。Vim在我的~/。vim目录。


When you enter a '(' then a matching ')' is automatically inserted.
If needed, spaces before and/or after the '()' pair are added.
Paredit mode is set by default for .lisp, .cl, .clj, cljs, .scm and .rkt files,
but it is possible to switch it off by putting the following statement in the
.vimrc file:

然而,当我打开vim并输入一个"("no closing")"被插入。还有什么我需要额外做的吗?


syntax on
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj setfiletype clojure
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.clj call PareditInitBuffer()
