


typedef struct node    
    bool is_word;
    struct node* letters[27];

这是课程的拼写。c -由课程人员编写:

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "dictionary.h"
#undef calculate
#undef getrusage
// default dictionary
#define DICTIONARY "dictionaries/large"
// prototype
double calculate(const struct rusage* b, const struct rusage* a);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // check for correct number of args
    if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
        printf("Usage: speller [dictionary] textn");
        return 1;
    // structs for timing data
    struct rusage before, after;
    // benchmarks
    double time_load = 0.0, time_check = 0.0, time_size = 0.0, time_unload = 0.0;
    // determine dictionary to use
    char* dictionary = (argc == 3) ? argv[1] : DICTIONARY;
    // load dictionary
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before);
    bool loaded = load(dictionary);
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after);
    // abort if dictionary not loaded
    if (!loaded)
        printf("Could not load %s.n", dictionary);
        return 1;
    // calculate time to load dictionary
    time_load = calculate(&before, &after);
    // try to open text
    char* text = (argc == 3) ? argv[2] : argv[1];
    FILE* fp = fopen(text, "r");
    if (fp == NULL)
        printf("Could not open %s.n", text);
        return 1;
    // prepare to report misspellings
    printf("nMISSPELLED WORDSnn");
    // prepare to spell-check
    int index = 0, misspellings = 0, words = 0;
    char word[LENGTH+1];
    // spell-check each word in text
    for (int c = fgetc(fp); c != EOF; c = fgetc(fp))
        // allow only alphabetical characters and apostrophes
        if (isalpha(c) || (c == ''' && index > 0))
            // append character to word
            word[index] = c;
            // ignore alphabetical strings too long to be words
            if (index > LENGTH)
                // consume remainder of alphabetical string
                while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && isalpha(c));
                // prepare for new word
                index = 0;
        // ignore words with numbers (like MS Word can)
        else if (isdigit(c))
            // consume remainder of alphanumeric string
            while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && isalnum(c));
            // prepare for new word
            index = 0;
        // we must have found a whole word
        else if (index > 0)
            // terminate current word
            word[index] = '';
            // update counter
            // check word's spelling
            getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before);
            bool misspelled = !check(word);
            getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after);
            // update benchmark
            time_check += calculate(&before, &after);
            // print word if misspelled
            if (misspelled)
                printf("%sn", word);
            // prepare for next word
            index = 0;
    // check whether there was an error
    if (ferror(fp))
        printf("Error reading %s.n", text);
        return 1;
    // close text
    // determine dictionary's size
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before);
    unsigned int n = size();
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after);
    // calculate time to determine dictionary's size
    time_size = calculate(&before, &after);
    // unload dictionary
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &before);
    bool unloaded = unload();
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &after);
    // abort if dictionary not unloaded
    if (!unloaded)
        printf("Could not unload %s.n", dictionary);
        return 1;
    // calculate time to unload dictionary
    time_unload = calculate(&before, &after);
    // report benchmarks
    printf("nWORDS MISSPELLED:     %dn", misspellings);
    printf("WORDS IN DICTIONARY:  %dn", n);
    printf("WORDS IN TEXT:        %dn", words);
    printf("TIME IN load:         %.2fn", time_load);
    printf("TIME IN check:        %.2fn", time_check);
    printf("TIME IN size:         %.2fn", time_size);
    printf("TIME IN unload:       %.2fn", time_unload);
    printf("TIME IN TOTAL:        %.2fnn", 
     time_load + time_check + time_size + time_unload);
    // that's all folks
    return 0;
 * Returns number of seconds between b and a.
double calculate(const struct rusage* b, const struct rusage* a)
    if (b == NULL || a == NULL)
        return 0.0;
        return ((((a->ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000 + a->ru_utime.tv_usec) -
                 (b->ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000 + b->ru_utime.tv_usec)) +
                ((a->ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000 + a->ru_stime.tv_usec) -
                 (b->ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000 + b->ru_stime.tv_usec)))
                / 1000000.0);
// prototype of build trie function and unload
   int build_trie(int letter, node* root, FILE* dict);
   bool unloader(node* head);
// declare global variables
   node* root; 
   int total_words = 0; 
 * Returns true if word is in dictionary else false.
bool check(const char* word)
// iniitialize pointer trav to point to same as root
node* trav = root;
// iterate over the word to see if letters are "open" paths in trie  
int i = 0;
while (word[i] != '')
    // check if letter 
    if (isalpha(word[i]))
        if (trav->letters[tolower(word[i]) -97] == NULL)  
            return false;
            trav = trav->letters[tolower(word[i]) -97];
    else if (word[i] == ''')
        if (trav->letters[26] == NULL)
            return false;
            trav = trav->letters[26];
        return false;
// at the end check if word
if (word[i] == '')
    return (trav->is_word);
    return false;
 * Loads dictionary into memory.  Returns true if successful else false.
bool load(const char* dictionary)
    // open a file to read the dictionary
    FILE* dict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
    if (dict == NULL)
        printf("Could not open %s.n", dictionary);
        return 1;
    // create root 
    root = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); 
    // initialize all pointers in root to NULL
    for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
        root->letters[i] = NULL;
    // initialize trav
    node* trav = root; 
    // initialize temp variable to store new word
    int letter;
    // while loop to read through the dictionary 
    while ((letter = fgetc(dict)) != EOF)
        build_trie(letter, trav, dict);    
    if (letter == EOF)
        return true;
        return false;
// build a trie function 
// to be used within load function recursively 
int build_trie(int letter, node* trav, FILE* dict)
    // set up place as value of letter - letters array place to "open"
    int place = letter;

    // set base case for recursive function -> end of string  "n"
    if (letter == 'n')
        trav->is_word = true; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
            trav->letters[i] = NULL;
        return 0; 
    // recursive part 
        // determine where in letters arrays to go 
        if (isalpha(letter))        
            place = letter - 97;         
        else if (letter == 44)
            place = 26;    
        // check to see if new node exists
        // if not - create new node and recurse with new letter and pointer 
        if (trav->letters[place] == NULL)
            trav->letters[place] = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
            // initialize new nodes pointers to NULL
            for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
                trav->letters[place]->letters[i] = NULL;
            letter = fgetc(dict);
            return(build_trie(letter, trav->letters[place], dict));
        // if it does exist - get new letter - and recurse with pointer to that node 
            letter = fgetc(dict);
            return build_trie(letter, trav->letters[place], dict);
    return 1;
 * Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded.
unsigned int size(void)
    return total_words;
 * Unloads dictionary from memory.  Returns true if successful else false.
bool unload(void)
    node* head = root;
    return unloader(head);
 * recursive function to free the trie takes in the "head" of the trie
// use recursion to free all nodes 
bool unloader(node* head)
    // check base case - all null pointers -> free 
    int total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
        if (head->letters[i] == NULL)
    // base case all 27 pointers == NULL
    if (total == 27)
        head = NULL;
        return true; 
        for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
            if (head->letters[i] != NULL)
    return false;



if (isalpha(letter))
    place = letter - 97;
else if (letter == 44) // magic number = ','
    place = 26;


else if (word[i] == ''') // apostrophe character = ASCII 39
    if (trav->letters[26] == NULL)
        return false;
        trav = trav->letters[26];


if (isalpha(letter)) // both uppercase/lowercase are available 
    place = letter - 97; // magic number 97 = ASCII 'a'
else if (letter == 44) //''')
    place = 26;
if (trav->letters[place] == NULL)




if ((place < 0) || (place > 26)) {
    //  exit when unexpected letter is loaded
    printf("Unexepected "%c"(%d) in dictionary.n",(char)letter,letter);
    return (-1);
if (trav->letters[place] == NULL)

unloader()函数中,返回条件不依赖于递归返回条件,对于左节点(带is_word = true),返回条件仅为true。另一个函数可以是:

bool unloader(node* head)
    // only return false when node hasn't allocated 
    if (head == NULL) return (false);        
    bool bRes = true; // default answer is true
    for(int i=0;i<27;i++)
        // only call the recursive unloader() when allocated
        if (head->letters[i]!=NULL) {
            // check if all allocated node are freed
            bRes = (bRes && unloader(head->letters[i]));
    // free the leave-node
    head = NULL;
    return (bRes);
