

sample text = "As the prices of U.S. homes started to falter, doubts arose throughout the global financial system. Banks became weaker, private credit markets stopped functioning, and by the end of the year it was clear that the world banks had sunk into a global recession."
vocabulary_dict = ['prices', 'banks', 'world banks', 'private credit marktes', 'recession', 'global recession']
def list_textfiles(directory):
    # Creates a list of all files stored in DIRECTORY ending on '.txt'
    textfiles = []
    for filename in listdir(directory):
        if filename.endswith(".txt"):
            textfiles.append(directory + "/" + filename)
    return textfiles
for filename in list_textfiles(directory):
    # inread each report as textfile, match tokenized text with predefined wordlist and count number of occurences of each element of that wordlist
    sample_text = read_textfile(filename).lower()
    splitted = nltk.word_tokenize(sample_text)
    c = Counter()
    outfile = open(filename[:-4] + '_output' + '.txt', mode = 'w')
    string = str(filename) # write certain part of filename to outfile
    string_print = string[string.rfind('/')+1:string.find('-')] + ':' + string[-6:-4] + '.' + string[-8:-6] + '.' + string[-12:-8]
    for k in sorted(vocabulary_dict):
    # recognize if wordlist element consist of one or more tokens, accordingly find matching token length in text file (report)
        spl = k.split()
        ln = len(spl)
        if ln > 1:
            if re.findall(r'b{0}b'.format(k),sample_text):
                vocabulary_dict[k.lower()] += 1
        elif k in sample_text.split():
            vocabulary_dict[k.lower()] += c[k]
    outfile.write(string_print + 'n')
    # line wise write each entry of the dictionary to the corresponding outputfile including comapany name, fiscal year end and tabulated frequency distribution
    for key, value in sorted( vocabulary_dict.items() ):
        outfile.write( str(key) + 't' + str(value) + 'n' )
# Output accoring to the above stated example should be in the form:
"selected part of filename (=string1)"
'prices' 1 
'banks' 2
'world banks' 1
'private credit marktes' 1 
'recession' 1
'global recession' 1



text = "As the prices of U.S. homes started to falter, doubts arose throughout the global financial system. Banks became weaker, private credit markets stopped functioning, and by the end of the year it was clear that the world banks had sunk into a global recession."
newDict = dict((k, text.count(k) + text.count(k.title())) for k in vocabulary_dict)

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