在哪里可以找到 Android Studio "Code and File Templates" 中可用的变量列表?

自定义 Java 代码和文件模板时,在哪里可以获得可用的变量列表?

例如,在自定义 java 类时,我知道我可以使用 ${USER} 和 ${DATE},我猜(正确(${YEAR} 可用......但我想找到所有可用的预定义变量。

我已经查看了 Apache 的一般 VTL 语言文档,但没有找到我正在搜索的信息。

我找到了列表!在 Android Studio 中,我转到了"文件"|"新品 |编辑文件模板 这弹出了一个对话框"文件和代码模板",默认选项卡是"文件"。 默认文件类型为 HTML。在描述框中,它有一个漂亮的长文本来显示它们。HTML是默认的.html位于C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\lib\java_resources_en.jar java_resources_en.jar

Along with static text, code and comments, you can also use predefined variables (listed below) that will then be expanded like macros into the corresponding values.
It is also possible to specify an arbitrary number of custom variables in the format ${<VARIABLE_NAME>}. In this case, before the new file is created, you will be prompted with a dialog where you can define particular values for all custom variables.
Using the #parse directive, you can include templates from the Includes tab, by specifying the full name of the desired template as a parameter in quotation marks. For example:
#parse("File Header.java")
Predefined variables will take the following values:
${PACKAGE_NAME}         name of the package in which the new file is created
${NAME}         name of the new file specified by you in the New <TEMPLATE_NAME> dialog
${USER}         current user system login name
${DATE}         current system date
${TIME}         current system time
${YEAR}         current year
${MONTH}        current month
${MONTH_NAME_SHORT}         first 3 letters of the current month name. Example: Jan, Feb, etc.
${MONTH_NAME_FULL}      full name of the current month. Example: January, February, etc.
${DAY}      current day of the month
${DAY_NAME_SHORT}       first 3 letters of the current day name. Example: Mon, Tue, etc.
${DAY_NAME_FULL}        full name of the current day. Example: Monday, Tuesday, etc.
${HOUR}         current hour
${MINUTE}       current minute
${PROJECT_NAME}         the name of the current project
