GDB 输出启动线程,但给出输出

我有一些代码在给出几行输出后出现段错误。但是当我像这样在 gdb 上运行代码时:

(gdb) r <


Starting program: /Users/prikshetsharma/Downloads/parser/parse <                                                                   
[New Thread 0xf03 of process 39241]                                                                                             
[New Thread 0xc03 of process 39241]   



一件有趣的事情正在发生。有时 gdb 提供输出,有时不提供,即使我什么也没做。当它给出输出时,它会执行以下操作:

Starting program: /Users/prikshetsharma/Downloads/parser/parse <                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
[New Thread 0x1003 of process 39841]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
[New Thread 0x1103 of process 39841]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
[New Thread 0x1503 of process 39841]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                               
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                       
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                           
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                               
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                         
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                              
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                              
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                             
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                            
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.                                                                                            
warning: `/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.      


真的,我不知道这里会发生什么can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.看起来它们是默认目标,也许重建和重新链接 Your 的来源可能会有所帮助。

但是我找到了某种解决方法来欺骗这个东西粘在New Thread上。


  1. echo "set startup-with-shell off" >> ~/.gdbinit
  2. 确保你的gdb是共同设计的,达尔文需要它。
  3. 使用-g选项编译代码
  4. 运行你的 gdb
  5. file "your app name"加载符号
  6. 例如,通过执行断点在main上设置断点b main
  7. 通过在 gdb 中执行run来运行程序。
  8. 调试愉快。



My gdb is updated to the `9.1_1` version and codesigned. 
MacOS version: Catalina(10.15.4)

当 gdb 无法打开对象文件来运行程序时,通常会发生此问题。解决此问题的一种方法 -

  1. 使用目标文件启动 gdbgdb <executable for example a.out>
  2. 这将调用 gdb 提示符。然后,在 gdb 提示符b <function name for example b main>设置断点
  3. 然后run <executable for example run a.out>

这应该启动在调试模式下运行程序的 gdb,并且可以根据需要逐步执行和使用 gdb。

gdb 只是卡在这里。

最可能的原因是:您的程序有一个错误(我们已经知道它有,因为它崩溃了(,并且在 GDB 下运行时出现死锁(并不意外:GDB 会影响线程的计时(。


使用 Control-C 中断程序,找出它死锁的位置,修复错误。
