


我最终将不得不将每个对手玩家单独随机地移动到 QB,我开始通过建立功能来解决这个问题,什么不适合他们,但首先想弄清楚如何例如......



有一条线,你会在游戏中注意到,当你向前移动时,它会让 QB 变白,如果这有意义的话,我需要让它在 QB 在他的坐位变成白色的地方。因此,当你向右箭头向线时,他不会前进,但游戏会识别出他正在尝试并被解决到位。



import pygame, sys
# Colors
black   =   (0,0,0)
white   =   (255,255,255)
red     =   (255,0,0)
field   =   (17,0,0)
green   =   (0,80,15)
blue    =   (0,0,215)
# Program Parameters
pygame.display.set_caption('Classic Football')
size = [700,400]
display = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Movement Parameters
x = 215
y = 223
step = 50
frame_count = 0
frame_rate = 60
second = 0
minute = 5
hour = 1
side = True
hike = False
time = "1 5. 0"
score1 = "0 0"
score2 = "0 0"
lineman1x1x = 265
lineman1x1y = 174
lineman1x2x = 265
lineman1x2y = 224
lineman1x3x = 265
lineman1x3y = 274
fieldman1x1x = 465
fieldman1x1y = 174
fieldman1x2x = 365
fieldman1x2y = 224
fieldman1x3x = 565
fieldman1x3y = 274
lineman2x1x = 415
lineman2x1y = 174
lineman2x2x = 415
lineman2x2y = 224
lineman2x3x = 415
lineman2x3y = 274
fieldman2x1x = 215
fieldman2x1y = 174
fieldman2x2x = 315
fieldman2x2y = 224
fieldman2x3x = 115
fieldman2x3y = 274
playerhit = False
# Functions
def player1():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((x, y), (22, 6)), 0)
def player2():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((x+250, y), (22, 6)), 0)
def lineman1x1():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((lineman1x1x, lineman1x1y), (22, 4)), 0)
def lineman1x2():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((lineman1x2x, lineman1x2y), (22, 4)), 0)
def lineman1x3():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((lineman1x3x, lineman1x3y), (22, 4)), 0)
def fieldman1x1():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((fieldman1x1x, fieldman1x1y), (22, 4)), 0)
def fieldman1x2():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((fieldman1x2x, fieldman1x2y), (22, 4)), 0)
def fieldman1x3():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((fieldman1x3x, fieldman1x3y), (22, 4)), 0)
def lineman2x1():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((lineman2x1x, lineman2x1y), (22, 4)), 0)
def lineman2x2():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((lineman2x2x, lineman2x2y), (22, 4)), 0)
def lineman2x3():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((lineman2x3x, lineman2x3y), (22, 4)), 0)
def fieldman2x1():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((fieldman2x1x, fieldman2x1y), (22, 4)), 0)
def fieldman2x2():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((fieldman2x2x, fieldman2x2y), (22, 4)), 0)
def fieldman2x3():
pygame.draw.rect(display, red, ((fieldman2x3x, fieldman2x3y), (22, 4)), 0) 

# Main Loop
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# Movement
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
x -= step
hike = True
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
x += step
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
y -= step
hike = True
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
y += step
hike = True
# Movement Restrictions
if side == True:
if (x < 100): x = 115
elif (x > 565): x = 115
if (y < 150): y = 173
elif (y > 300): y = 273
if side == False:
if (x < (-150)): x = 315
elif (x > 315): x = 315
if (y < 150): y = 173
elif (y > 300): y = 273      

# Game Graphics
# Clock  
hour = int(time[0])
minute = int(time[2])
second = int(time[5])
if hike == True:
frame_count += 1
if second > 0 and frame_count == 64:
frame_count = 0
second -= 1
if second == 0 and minute > 0 and frame_count == 64:
frame_count = 0
second = 9
minute -= 1
if minute == 0 and hour > 0 and frame_count == 64:
frame_count = 0
minute = 9
second = 9
hour -= 1
time = str(hour) + " " + str(minute) + ". " + str(second)    
# Counters
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, [150,25,400,100])
pygame.draw.rect(display, field, [150,50,134,50])
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, [150,50,134,50], 2)
pygame.draw.rect(display, field, [float(283.33333333333334),50,134,50])
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, [float(283.33333333333334),50,134,50], 2)
pygame.draw.rect(display, field, [float(416.33333333333334),50,134,50])
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, [float(416.33333333333334),50,133,50], 2)
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Calibri', 14, True, False)
text = font.render("DOWN",True,blue)
display.blit(text, [198, 33])
text = font.render("FIELD POSITION",True,blue)
display.blit(text, [305, 33])
text = font.render("YARDS TO GO",True,blue)
display.blit(text, [442, 33])
text = font.render("HOME",True,blue)
display.blit(text, [200, 105])
text = font.render("TIME REMAINING",True,blue)
display.blit(text, [300, 105])
text = font.render("VISITORS",True,blue)
display.blit(text, [456, 105])       
font = pygame.font.SysFont('DS-Digital', 50, False, False)
text = font.render(score1,True,red)
display.blit(text, [188, 50])
text = font.render(time,True,red)
display.blit(text, [300, 50])      
text = font.render(score2,True,red)
display.blit(text, [453, 50])
# Field Grid
pygame.draw.rect(display, field, [100,150,500,150])
for b in range(0,300,150):
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (100,150 + b), (600,150 + b), 2)
for a in range (0,550,50):
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (100 + a,150), (100 + a,300), 2)    
for a in range (0,450,50):
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (140 + a,200), (160 + a,200), 2)
for a in range (0,450,50):
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (140 + a,250), (160 + a,250), 2)
for a in range (0,980,490):
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (100 + a,200), (110 + a,200), 2)        
for a in range (0,980,490):
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (100 + a,250), (110 + a,250), 2)  
# End Zones
pygame.draw.rect(display, blue, [80,150,21,151])
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, [80,150,21,151], 2)
pygame.draw.rect(display, blue, [600,150,20,151])
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, [600,150,20,151], 2)
# Goal Posts
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (50,200), (80,210), 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (50,250), (80,240), 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (70,208), (70,242), 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (650,200), (620,210), 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (650,250), (620,240), 2)
pygame.draw.line(display, white, (630,208), (630,243), 2)    
# Players

if side == True:
import random
move = random.randint(0, 9)
if lineman1x1x > x:
if move == 0 or 3 or 5 or 8:
lineman1x1x - step
elif move == 0 or 3 or 5 or 8:
lineman1x1x + step
if lineman1x1y > y:
if move == 1 or 4 or 7 or 9:
lineman1x1y - step
elif move == 1 or 4 or 7 or 9:
lineman1x1y + step

if x == lineman1x1x:
playerhit = True

if playerhit == True:             
pygame.draw.rect(display, white, ((x, y), (22, 6)), 0) 

if side == False:


您可以使用pygame.Rects 进行碰撞检测。它们对于存储玩家的位置和移动它们也很有用。

import sys
import pygame as pg

def main():
screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 480))
clock = pg.time.Clock()
player1 = pg.Rect(100, 200, 50, 50)
player2 = pg.Rect(300, 200, 50, 50)
color1 = (0, 100, 200)
color2 = (200, 50, 0)
# I'd define two lists for the different teams.
# Just put all players into these lists.
team1 = [player1]
team2 = [player2]
done = False
while not done:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
done = True
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
# Move left/right.
if event.key == pg.K_d:
player1.x += 50
elif event.key == pg.K_a:
player1.x -= 50
# Check if the player collides with an opponent.
for opponent in team2:
if player1.colliderect(opponent):
# Do something with the players.

screen.fill((40, 50, 40))
# To draw the players you can iterate over the player rects 
# and draw them with their corresponding color.
for player in team2:
pg.draw.rect(screen, color2, player)
for player in team1:
pg.draw.rect(screen, color1, player)

if __name__ == '__main__':
