
处理一个问题,要求创建一个随机生成的 100 个字符的数组(在本例中为 " * "(。字符的总和必须是100,并且必须打印在10行上,其中每行打印随机数量的"*",但末尾的字符总数("*"(必须为100。我刚开始对Java非常陌生。到目前为止,我已经得到了以下内容,需要帮助。



0 |*******
1 |*********
2 |***************
3 |*******
4 |******************
5 |*******
6 |****************
7 |*****
8 |****
9 |************


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random; 
public class ArrayTest{
  public static void main(String [] args){
    // The for loop to ensure there is a total of 10 rows 
      for(int a=0; a<10; a++){
      Random bytes = new Random();
   // Printing the  '*' at random
      int number = bytes.nextInt(10);
      for(int b=0; b<number; b++){
        for(int c=0; c<number; c++){

如果允许空行,您可以执行以下操作。您可以引入一个count作为 '* 的总数,让生成的随机数作为一行的星数。打印每一行后,获取计数的剩余部分并将其传递到随机生成器中。检查下面的代码:

class ArrayTest{
    public static void main(String [] args){
        Random bytes = new Random(); //take this out of the loops as mentioned in the comments
        int count = 100; //keep track of 100 '*'s
        for(int a=0; a < 10; a++){ //limit to random 10 rows
            if (count > 0) { //if count reaches 0, don't print anything
                int rand = bytes.nextInt(count + 1);
                for(int b=0; b < rand; b++){ //print random amount of '*'s
                    --count; //decrement count for each '*' print
            System.out.println(); //note the next line print is outside the inner for loop

这种方法的问题是,如果随机数接近 100,在前几次迭代中,最后几行将为空。

要打印至少 1 个"*":

Random bytes = new Random(); //take this out of the loops as mentioned in the comments
    int count = 90; //keep track of 100 '*'s, since we anyway print 10 '*'s, keep the count to 90, 
    for(int a=0; a < 10; a++){ //limit to random 10 rows
        System.out.print("*"); //print 1 anyway
        if (count > 0) { //if count reaches 0, don't print anything
            int rand = bytes.nextInt(count + 1);
            for(int b=0; b < rand; b++){ //print random amount of '*'s
                --count; //decrement count for each '*' print
        System.out.println(); //note the next line print is outside the inner for loop
