





这是使用以下命令的 for 循环 im:

  for (String s: data2) { 


String getData =  serialPort.readString(event.getEventValue());
List<String> data2 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(getData.split("$")));


我需要用 $ 符号将每个句子分开。


    import jssc.SerialPort; 
    import jssc.SerialPortEvent; 
    import jssc.SerialPortEventListener; import jssc.SerialPortException;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

    public class test {
    static SerialPort serialPort;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        serialPort = new SerialPort("COM!"); 
        try {
            serialPort.openPort();//Open ports
            serialPort.setParams(4800, 8, 1, 0);//Set params
          int mask = SerialPort.MASK_RXCHAR + SerialPort.MASK_CTS + SerialPort.MASK_DSR;//Prepare mask
           serialPort.setEventsMask(mask);//Set mask
           serialPort.addEventListener(new SerialPortReader());//Add SerialPortEventListener

        catch (SerialPortException ex) {
}public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
          //  if(event.isRXCHAR()){//If data is available
           //    if(event.getInputBufferBytesCount()  > 1){//Check bytes count in the input buffer
                    //Read data, if 10 bytes available 
                    try {

                          String getdata =  serialPort.readString(event.getEventValue());
                          String delimiter = "$";
                      List<String> data2 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(getdata.split("$")));

                   for (String s: data2) { 
                    System.out.printf("NEW" + s);
                    catch (SerialPortException ex) {


    import jssc.SerialPort; 
import jssc.SerialPortEvent; 
import jssc.SerialPortEventListener; import jssc.SerialPortException;
//import java.util.Arrays;
//import java.awt.List;
//import java.util.Base64;
//import java.io.BufferedReader;
//import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
//import java.io.InputStream;
//import java.io.InputStreamReader;
//import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.*;
//import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.stream.Collectors;
//import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

public class test {
static ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
static SerialPort serialPort;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    serialPort = new SerialPort("COM1"); 
    try {
        serialPort.openPort();//Open ports
        serialPort.setParams(4800, 8, 1, 0);//Set params
      int mask = SerialPort.MASK_RXCHAR + SerialPort.MASK_CTS + SerialPort.MASK_DSR;//Prepare mask
       serialPort.setEventsMask(mask);//Set mask
       serialPort.addEventListener(new SerialPortReader());//Add SerialPortEventListener

    catch (SerialPortException ex) {
 * In this class must implement the method serialEvent, through it we learn about 
 * events that happened to our port. But we will not report on all events but only 
 * those that we put in the mask. In this case the arrival of the data and change the 
 * status lines CTS and DSR
static class SerialPortReader implements SerialPortEventListener {
    public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
    //   if(event.isRXCHAR()){//If data is available
      //     if(event.getEventValue() < 577){//Check bytes count in the input buffer
                //Read data, if 10 bytes available 
                try {
                    String getdata =  serialPort.readString(event.getEventValue());
                String[] parts= getdata.split("$");
                data.set(data.size() - 1, data.get(data.size() - 1) + parts[0]);
                for (int i=1; i<parts.length; i++) {
                catch (SerialPortException ex) {                  


public class test {
    // ...
    static List<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
    // ...
    public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
        try {
            String getdata =  serialPort.readString(event.getEventValue());
            // String.split takes a regular expression. In regular expressions,
            // the dollar sign ($) by it's own means the end of the line, so you
            // have to escape it using a backslash (), but since it's a string
            // you have to escape that one with another backslash so it get's
            // passed correctly, thus searching for the dollar sign and not the
            // end of the line
            String[] parts = getdata.split("\$");
            // Append whatever is before the first dollar sign to the last item
            // in your data
                data.set(data.size() - 1, data.get(data.size() - 1) + parts[0]);
            // Append the rest of the parts in your data
            for (int i=1; i<parts.length; i++) {
        catch (SerialPortException ex) {}
        // ...
    // ...
