Java Shell排序算法导致无限循环:我做错了什么



    //The first version of shellSort calls the second version with min value as 0 and max as length of randArray-1. Takes no parameters.
public void shellSort()
    shellSort(0, randArray.length-1);   

// shellSort which takes min and max parameters. Calculates gap at center, across which values are compared. Passes continue until gap size is 1
// and array is sorted.
// Uses boolean sorted to indicate when array is sorted so passes don't continue needelessly after array is sorted. Essentially, if no values
// are swapped after a pass, we know array is sorted and sorted is not set to false.
// Outer for loop controls position of final value. Since largest value is bubbled to end, position decreases by 1 after each pass.
// After each pass, size of gap is cut in half, as long as gap is 2 or greater. Otherwise gap would become too small.
// Inner for loop controls the index values to be compared.
// Uses swap method to swap values which are not in the correct order.
// Array is printed after each pass.
public void shellSort(int min, int max)
    String result;
    int gap;
    int j = 0;
    int size = randArray.length-1;
    boolean swapped;

    for(gap = size/2; gap <= 0; gap = gap/2)
      swapped = true;
      while (swapped)
            swapped = false;
            int comp;
            for(comp = 0; comp+gap <= size; comp++)
            if (randArray[comp] > randArray[comp+gap])
                 swap(comp, comp+gap);
                 swapped = true;        //swapped set to true if any element is swapped with another.
                swapped = false;
            result ="";
            for(int y = 0; y < randArray.length; y++)
                result += randArray[y] +" ";
            System.out.println("Pass " +j+": " +result+"n");
        // Swaps two values in the array.

        private void swap(int index1, int index2)
            int temp = randArray[index1];
            randArray[index1] = randArray[index2];
            randArray[index2] = temp;

for(gap = size/2;Gap <= 0;Gap = Gap/2)


这一行:for(gap = size/2; gap <= 0; gap = gap/2)应该

for(gap = size/2; gap > 0; gap = gap/2)
