

我正在尝试添加iTunes artwork到选定的轨道,我的代码是:

set newFile to add aFileName as POSIX file to ipod_lib
set current_track to newFile
set jpegFilename to ":temp:artwork.jpg" as string
set data of artwork 1 of current_track to (read (file jpegFilename) as picture)
tell current_track
  set name to "Song Name" as string
  set artist to "Custom Artist" as string
  set album to "Custom Album" as string
  set year to "2011" as string
  set track number to "1" as number
  set track count to "38" as number
end tell

其中aFileName为mp3文件的路径。我正在使用脚本调试器4.5进行测试,它工作得很好,但是当我将代码复制到我的Xcode项目并运行时,它不会设置艺术作品,也不会设置其他元数据。但是如果我注释了"set data of artwork.."行,那么它就会设置其他元数据(name, artist等)

NSString *scriptote = @"with timeout of 600 secondsn"
    "tell application "iTunes"n" 
    "set newFile to add aFileName as POSIX file to ipod_libn"
    "set current_track to newFilen"
    "set jpegFilename to ":temp:artwork.jpg" as stringn"
    // If a comment the following line, everything else works, if I left this line, no meta data is set.
    "set data of artwork 1 of current_track to (read (file jpegFilename) as picture)n" 
    "tell current_trackn"
    "set name to "Song Name" as stringn"
    "set artist to "Custom Artist" as stringn"
    "set album to "Custom Album" as stringn"
    "set year to "2011" as stringn"
    "set track number to "1" as numbern"
    "set track count to "38" as numbern"
    "end telln"
    if ((ascript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:scriptote])) {
        status = [[ascript executeAndReturnError:&errorInfo] stringValue];
        if (!errorInfo) {
            // do something 
            NSLog(@"NO Error");
        } else {
            // process errors
           // NSRange errorRange = [[errorInfo objectForKey:@"NSAppleScriptErrorRange"] rangeValue];
            NSLog(@"Errorn Error line: ");
        [ascript release];




问题是HFS路径格式风格需要一个完整的路径,包括卷名和nssearchpathfordirectortoriesindomain和任何其他NSFileManager方法返回路径从/Users/....开始我需要一个这样的路径:Macintosh HD/Users/…

// Get an HFS-style reference to a specified file
// (imagePath is an NSString * containing a POSIX-style path to the artwork image file)
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:imagePath];
NSString *pathFormatted = (NSString *)CFURLCopyFileSystemPath((CFURLRef)fileURL, kCFURLHFSPathStyle);


