
我将多个字符串存储在List Array中,然后将它们输出到JavaFX场景中的textArea。以下是我希望输出的样子。请注意,无论字符数如何,字符串的间距都是均匀的。

acdd abc  abcd  abcd 
ab   abcd abcdf abcd 


for (String line : lines) {


acdd abc  abcd  abcd 
ab   abcd abcdf abcd 



acdd  abc  abcd abcd 
ab   abcd abcdf  abcd 



public static String[] generateTable(ArrayList<String> lines){
// A list to store every single element individually
ArrayList<String> sl = new ArrayList<>();
int length = lines.get(0).split(" ").length; // Number of individual
                                            // elements
// Create an array of every element individually
for (String line : lines) {
    String[] sp = line.split(" ");
    for (String semiChars : sp)
// This controls iteration
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < sl.size() / lines.size(); i++) {
    int maxLength = 0; // Max length of character within that set
    String fixStr = ""; // String with fixed spaces
    // Determine maximum length from set
    // Compares the element lengths in multiples. Something like:
    // (element i, element i+length, element i+length+length.....)
    while (j < sl.size()) {
        fixStr = sl.get(i + j - 1);
        if (maxLength < sl.get(i + j - 1).length())
            maxLength = sl.get(i + j - 1).length();
        j += length;
    j = 1; // Ready for another loop
    // Add spaces to match max length in set
    while (j < sl.size()) {
        fixStr = "";
        // Gets elements in multiples (same as above loop)
        if (sl.get(i + j - 1).length() < maxLength) {
            fixStr = sl.get(i + j - 1);
            while (fixStr.length() < maxLength)
                fixStr += " ";
            sl.set(i + j - 1, fixStr);
        j += length;
    j = 1; // Ready for another loop
// Time to create final array that is returned
String semiElement = ""; // Stores elements as sets of lines
String[] sortedArray = new String[lines.size()]; // The final Array
// Form expression and add it to final Array
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
    j = 0;
    while (j < length) {
        // Add as many spaces as you want between elements here
        semiElement += (sl.get((i * length) + j) + "   ");
    sortedArray[i] = semiElement;
    semiElement = "";
return sortedArray;


{ "line1 11111 asd ghdfigh asdi bbb 222",
  "line2 2 asdasf gg weew bbb 666",
  "line3 22222asdas as rte fhdfh ger 777",
  "line4 asdsa 23 as wete f 8888888",
  "line5 166 azzfffffffff gjj tyi btb 99000" };


line1   11111        asd            ghdfigh   asdi    bbb   222       
line2   2            asdasf         gg        weew    bbb   666       
line3   22222asdas   as             rte       fhdfh   ger   777       
line4   asdsa        23             as        wete    f     8888888   
line5   166          azzfffffffff   gjj       tyi     btb   99000     
