在三元搜索树中搜索(NOT with)通配符



typedef struct TstNode {
TstNode( char c ) : splitChar(c), left(0), right(0), mid(0){
char splitChar;
TstTree left, right;
union {
TstTree mid;
int index;
} tstNode;


template <class Object>
void TernarySearchTree<Object>::partialMatchSearch(TstTree tree, const char *key)
if (!tree) return;
// partial match left
if (*key == '?' || *key == '*' || *key < tree->splitChar)
partialMatchSearch( tree->left, key );
// partial match middle
if (*key == '?' || *key == '*' || *key == tree->splitChar)
if ( tree->splitChar && *key )
if ( *key == '*' )
partialMatchSearch( tree->mid, key );
partialMatchSearch( tree->mid, key+1 ); // search next pattern char
if ( ( *key == 0 ||  *key == '*' ) && tree->splitChar == 0 )
pmVectorPtr->add( tree->index );
if (*key == '?' || *key == '*' || *key > tree->splitChar)
partialMatchSearch( tree->right, key );


template <class Object>
void TernarySearchTree<Object>::partialMatchSearchInverted(TstTree tree, const char *key)
if (!tree) return;
if((tree->splitChar == '*') && ( *key != 0 )){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree, key+1 );
if( *key != 0 ){
if (*key < tree->splitChar){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->left, key );
if (*key > tree->splitChar){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->right, key );
if ((*key == tree->splitChar) || (tree->splitChar == '*')){
if ( tree->splitChar || *key ){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->mid, key+1 ); // search next pattern char
if ( ( *key == 0 ) && ( tree->splitChar == 0 ) ){
pmVectorPtr->add( tree->index );




#include <iostream>
#include "ternarySearchTree/ternarySearchTree.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
TernarySearchTree<string> tst;
Vector< TstItem<String> > itemVector;
TstItem<String> item( "Ke*", "Value" );
itemVector.add( item );
TstItem<String> item( "K*", "Value" );
itemVector.add( item );
TstItem<String> item( "Ka*", "Value" );
itemVector.add( item );
Vector<int> matches = tst.partialMatchSearchInverted("Key");// will only find Ke* (wrong - it should find Ke* and K*), if I remove Ke* above it would find K* (right), if I remove that also it would find nothing (also right)
for (unsigned j=0;j<matches.count();j++)
std::cout<<"Matching: "<< tst.getKey( matches[j] ) <<" -  "<< tst.getValue( matches[j] )->c_str()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"total matches "<< matches.count()<<std::endl;
return 0;



template <class Object>
void TernarySearchTree<Object>::partialMatchSearchInverted(TstTree tree, const char *key)
if (!tree) return;
if((tree->splitChar == '*') && ( *key != 0 )){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree, key+1 ); // wildcard occured, search same node with next key
if( *key != 0 ){
if (*key < tree->splitChar){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->left, key );
}else if('*' < tree->splitChar){ // a wildcard could be in this branch
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->left, key );
if (*key > tree->splitChar){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->right, key );
}else if('*' > tree->splitChar){ // a wildcard could be here too
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->right, key );
if ((*key == tree->splitChar) || (tree->splitChar == '*')){
if (*key != 0){
partialMatchSearchInverted( tree->mid, key+1 ); // search next pattern char
if ( ( *key == 0 ) && ( tree->splitChar == 0 ) ){
pmVectorPtr->add( tree->index );

