




<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var x = screen.width;
var y = screen.height;
function scale() {
var z = x/y;
    if (z<1) {
     document.getElementById('header').style.width = "100%";
     document.getElementById('menu').style.marginLeft = "0";
     document.getElementById('menu').style.width = "20%";
     document.getElementById('menu2').style.width = "30%";
     document.getElementById('menu3').style.width = "20%";
     document.getElementById('menu4').style.width = "20%";
     document.getElementById('properties').style.width = "30%";
     document.getElementById('properties').style.marginLeft = "35%";

这是Stack Overflow中的某个人提供的关于字体的代码,我想这可能与我要进行的方向相似

$( window ).resize(function() {
    $( "#container" ).css("font-size",function() {
        var value = $( "#container" ).css("width");
        console.log(parseInt(value)/24 + "pt");
        return parseInt(value)/24 + "pt";
    }) ;







  1. 在您的JavaScript中,写一行类似console.log('Hello World!');
  2. 在Google Chrome中打开该页面
  3. F12切换(打开/关闭)DevTools
  4. 它可能会出现在Resources选项卡上,这是一个检查所有资源是否已加载的好地方,但不是您要查找的资源
  5. 单击标记为Console的选项卡
  6. 维奥拉!如果JS的那一行已经运行,您应该会看到Hello World!
  7. 欢迎来到美味酱


//  This first line is the same as JavaScript's `document.ready = function() {}
//  This simply starts your code running as soon as the document is loaded and ready to go
//  It's safe to use in <head> or in <body> and will always ensure your JS is running with the page load
$(function() {
    //  Here I use .on instead of direct reference to the event as this is just good practice4 with jQuery
    //  You'll later learn you can use this with prewritten methods to "turn on/off" methods asigned to specific events
    $(window).on('resize', function(e) {
        //  Little JS Tip, No need to write `var` 50thousand times. Just use a comma and write your new variable
        var x = $(this).width(),    //  variable for window width assigned to `x`
            y = $(this).height(),   //  variable for window height assigned to `y`
            z = x/y,    //  your conversion you were using in the code you have in your question, there's plenty of different ways to test for size changes, do some Googling on "aspect ratio" as it's usually best way to go
            //  this next line is a little complicated
            //  It's assigning a variable based on result of an `inline if statement`
            //  What it says: if (element with id 'myOutput' exist) then assign that element and empty it of all it's HTML, else build the element using jQuery's element object method and append it to the <body>
            //  jQuery's element object building is easy, just remember it like this: jQuery("<tagName />", { object of attributes })
            output = $('#myOutput').length ? $('#myOutput').empty() : $('<div />', { id: 'myOutput', style: 'background: #ffa; padding: 10px; position: fixed; right: 30px; top: 30px; z-index: 999;' }).appendTo('body'),
            //  the following lines build the inner HTML for showing the results of our window dimensions
            pX = $('<p />', { text: 'x: '+x }).appendTo(output),
            pY = $('<p />', { text: 'y: '+y }).appendTo(output),
            pZ = $('<p />', { text: 'z: '+z.toFixed(5) }).appendTo(output);



$(function(){$(window).on("resize",function(a){a=$(this).width();var c=$(this).height(),d=a/c,b=$("#myOutput").length?$("#myOutput").empty():$("<div />",{id:"myOutput",style:"background: #ffa; padding: 10px; position: fixed; right: 30px; top: 30px; z-index: 999;"}).appendTo("body");$("<p />",{text:"x: "+a}).appendTo(b);$("<p />",{text:"y: "+c}).appendTo(b);$("<p />",{text:"z: "+d.toFixed(5)}).appendTo(b)})});
