



def trouve(T, x) :      
  if len(T) == 0 :
    return False 
  mid = len(T) // 2
  if T[mid] == x :
    return True
  if len(T) == 1 and T[0] != x  : 
    return False
  else :
    if x > T[mid] :
      return trouve(T[mid:], x)
    else :
      return trouve(T[:mid], x)

通常,您只能计算数据的比较 ,因此不比较输入列表的长度的条件。


def trouve(T, x, c = 0):
  if len(T) == 0:
    return (False, c) # len() comparisons do not count 
  mid = len(T) // 2
  if T[mid] == x:
    return (True, c+1)
  if len(T) == 1: # you don't need to compare x again here! 
    return (False, c+1)
  # you don't need `else` here
  if x > T[mid]:
    return trouve(T[mid:], x, c+2)
  # you don't need `else` here
  return trouve(T[:mid], x, c+2)
print (trouve([1,3,8,13,14,15,20], 14))


def trouve(T, x, c = 0):
  if len(T) == 0:
    return (False, c) 
  mid = len(T) // 2
  # you don't need the `len(T) == 1` case, as it can be 
  # treated in the recursive call. See change below:
  if x > T[mid]:
    return trouve(T[mid+1:], x, c+1) # exclude mid itself
  # Move equality test below greater-then test, since the 
  # equality has little chance of being true:
  if T[mid] == x:
    return (True, c+2)
  return trouve(T[:mid], x, c+2)
print (trouve([1,3,8,13,14,15,20], 14))



trouve_count = 0
def trouve(T, x) :
  global trouve_count
  # Increment trouve_count like this when necessary:
  trouve_count += 1
  # ...

