Python Pandas-替换相关文本失败

我正在尝试比较两列 - 主列和辅助列。辅助列可能具有(。

I learned that to replace ("."), it has to be passed with (".")

如果辅助列具有特定的值,例如" Notapplicable here",那么我将结果视为true。

为此,我创建了一个称为 -


异常=" Notapplicable Here"


temp_result_df[res_col_name]  = (temp_result_df[primaryreportreqcolname].eq(temp_result_df[RequiredSecondaryReport_Col_Name].str.replace 
                                ('.'|' (On Leave)', '', regex = True)) | (temp_result_df[RequiredSecondaryReport_Col_Name]== Exceptions))

且失败的错误说 - |'str'and str'。

PrimaryColumn   SecondaryColumn    ExpectedOutput
Mr               Mr.                  True
Jr               Jr                   True
Mrs              Mrs                  True
Mr               Mrs                  False
Mr               Mr (On Leave)        True
Mr               NOTAPPLICABLEHERE    True


在我看来是有条件问题 - 需要逃脱(),并在|周围删除''

p = 'PrimaryColumn'
s = 'SecondaryColumn'
df['new']  = df[p].eq(df[s].str.replace(r'.| (On Leave)', '')) | (df[s] == Exceptions)


df['new'] = df[p].eq(df[s].replace(r'.| (On Leave)', '', regex = True)) | 
            (df[s ]== Exceptions)

print (df)
  PrimaryColumn    SecondaryColumn  ExpectedOutput    new
0            Mr                Mr.            True   True
1            Jr                 Jr            True   True
2           Mrs                Mrs            True   True
3            Mr                Mrs           False  False
4            Mr      Mr (On Leave)            True   True
5            Mr  NOTAPPLICABLEHERE            True   True
