如何使用c++ 11风格的强类型定义创建一个新的基本类型

我试图在c++中模仿一个独特的从Nim中输入编程语言。下面的例子不会在Nim中编译,因为编译器捕获变量ed尽管有不同的类型(Error: type mismatch: got (Euros, float))都是二进制级别的浮点数:

  Euros = distinct float
when isMainModule:
    e = Euros(12.34)
    d = 23.3
  echo (e + d)


#include <boost/serialization/strong_typedef.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
void test(money a, float b)
    int t = a + b;
    printf("value is %d", t);
int main()
    money a(5.5);
    int euros(5);
    // This is not caught!
    int dollars = a + euros;
    printf("dollars %dn", dollars);
    // But the compiler catches this misuse.
    test(euros, a);


同样的答案提到c++ 0x带来了强类型,所以我寻找了这个并发现Bjarne Stroustrup自己给出了c++ 11风格主题在2012.在第21分钟左右,他开始谈论这些新的强类型。如果你下载幻灯片,第19页开始讨论SI单位等第22页和23页提到了如何做到这一点。然而,我一直无法做到让这些例子发挥作用。以下是我设法拼凑的内容:

template<int M, int K, int S> struct Unit { // a unit in the MKS system
    enum { m=M, kg=K, s=S };
template<typename Unit> // a magnitude with a unit
struct Value {
    double val; // the magnitude
    explicit Value(double d) : val(d) {} // construct a Value from a double
using Meter = Unit<1,0,0>; // unit: meter
using Second = Unit<0,0,1>; // unit: sec
using Speed = Value< Unit<1,0,-1> >; // meters/second type
constexpr Value<Second> operator "" _s(long double d)
// a f-p literal suffixed by ‘_s’
return Value<Second> (d);
constexpr Value<Meter> operator "" _m(long double d)
// a f-p literal suffixed by ‘_m’
return Value<Meter> (d);
int main(void)
    Speed sp1 = 100_m / 9.8_s;
    return 42;

我试图用最新的Xcode 5.1.1在MacOSX下编译这个命令行:

$ g++ unit.cpp -std=c++11
unit.cpp:13:25: error: constexpr function's return type 'Value<Second>' is not a
      literal type
constexpr Value<Second> operator "" _s(long double d)
unit.cpp:5:8: note: 'Value<Unit<0, 0, 1> >' is not literal because it is not an
      aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move
struct Value {
unit.cpp:18:24: error: constexpr function's return type 'Value<Meter>' is not a
      literal type
constexpr Value<Meter> operator "" _m(long double d)
unit.cpp:5:8: note: 'Value<Unit<1, 0, 0> >' is not literal because it is not an
      aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move
struct Value {
unit.cpp:26:20: error: no matching literal operator for call to 'operator "" _m'
      with argument of type 'unsigned long long' or 'const char *', and no
      matching literal operator template
    Speed sp1 = 100_m / 9.8_s;
unit.cpp:26:28: error: no matching literal operator for call to 'operator "" _s'
      with argument of type 'long double' or 'const char *', and no matching
      literal operator template
    Speed sp1 = 100_m / 9.8_s;
4 errors generated.


c++ 11中没有强类型。有<chrono>单位的支持,但这是完全不同的事情。没有人能就强类型定义应该有什么样的行为达成一致,所以从来没有一个关于它们的提案取得任何进展,所以它们不仅既不在c++ 11中,也不在c++ 14中,而且在这个时候,它们将被纳入任何未来的标准也没有现实的前景。


template <typename T, int N> // N is used for tagging
struct strong_typedef
    using strong_type = strong_typedef<T,N>; // typedef for the strong type
    using type = T; // the wrapped type
    T value; // the  wrapped value
    strong_typedef(T val): value(val){}; // constructor
    strong_typedef(){value={};}; // default, zero-initialization
    // operator overloading, basic example: 
    strong_type operator+(const strong_type& rhs) const
        return value + rhs.value;
    // display it
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream & lhs, const strong_typedef& rhs)
        lhs << rhs.value;
        return lhs;


// these are all different types
strong_typedef<double, 0> x = 1.1; 
strong_typedef<double, 1> y = 2.2;
strong_typedef<double, 2> z = 3.3;
std::cout << x + x << std::endl; // outputs 2.2, can add x and x
// cout << x + y << endl; // compile-time ERROR, different types

x, yz现在是3种不同的类型,因为模板中使用了不同的N -s。您可以使用字段typevalue访问类型和值,如x::value(将是double 1.1)。当然,如果您直接将typedef替换为struct_typedef::type,那么您将回到起点,因为您将失去strong类型。所以你的字体应该是strong_typedef而不是strong_typedef::type


#include <iostream>
template<int M, int K, int S> struct Unit { // a unit in the MKS system
    enum { m=M, kg=K, s=S };
template<typename Unit> // a magnitude with a unit
struct Value {
    double val; // the magnitude
    // construct a Value from a double
    constexpr explicit Value(double d) : val(d) {} 
using Meter = Unit<1,0,0>; // unit: meter
using Second = Unit<0,0,1>; // unit: sec
using Speed = Value<Unit<1,0,-1>>; // meters/second type
// a f-p literal suffixed by ‘_s’
constexpr Value<Second> operator "" _s(long double d)
    return Value<Second> (d);
// a f-p literal suffixed by ‘_m’
constexpr Value<Meter> operator "" _m(long double d)
    return Value<Meter> (d);
// an integral literal suffixed by ‘_m’
constexpr Value<Meter> operator "" _m(unsigned long long d)
    return Value<Meter> (d);
template<int m1, int k1, int s1, int m2, int k2, int s2>
Value<Unit<m1 - m2, k1 - k2, s1 - s2>> operator / (Value<Unit<m1, k1, s1>> a, Value<Unit<m2, k2, s2>> b)
    return Value<Unit<m1 - m2, k1 - k2, s1 - s2>>(a.val / b.val);
int main()
    Speed sp1 = 100_m / 9.8_s;
    std::cout << sp1.val;

c++编译器通常期望命令行选项-std=c++11(或-std=c++0x分别是稍旧的)来激活c++ 11支持。

完全不支持c++ 11风格。

不,它完全可以。GCC 4.7.2的支持可以在这里查看。要激活一些实验功能,请通过-std=gnu++11

Clang 3.4实际上支持c++ 11中几乎所有的东西,并且已经在c++ 1y中有很多了。



template <typename T>
struct millisecond {
    T millisecond;
    static constexpr const struct millisecond<T> zero = { 0 };
template <typename T>
struct microsecond {
    T microsecond;
    static constexpr const struct microsecond<T> zero = { 0 };


auto time_diff = millisecond<unsigned long>::zero;
time_diff.millisecond = nowMilliseconds() - s_lastPollTime.millisecond;


total_expenses.euros = expence1.euros + expence2.dollars;
